Notes: game on...on the radio...Doom on the Mound: Justin Verlander pitching for the Astros...not something to look forward to for the Angels, especially after the wooping they took last night...Astros 9-3...was at the game...happy at the stadium, win or lose, always in a good mood...Book of Caverns...this post ninety seventh or so in a series...the Egyptians had a whole bunch of books about the travel of the deceased through what they called the Duat, stylized as the twelve hours of the night...did search Book of Caverns and in the images found a good examples of the Pythagorean triangle...Calhoun, Fletcher, Trout, Ohtani, Pujols....Barria on mound for Angels...tonight's line up is like the best the Angels can field for the remainder of the season...Simmons is at short stop...first ball stand up double against the Young's glove in left...last night Ward was at third, Rivera behind the plate, Marte on first...that may be it tonight too...minus Marte as Pujols is on first...Altuve up...Altuve looks like Mookie Betts at the plate...hits like him too...oh, Arcia catching...anyway, looking at the tombs' images, sighted a page, and spent much time at site has a lot of captions and lots of pics of Egypt things...oh, 'Altuve is just so good'...hit...Astros 1-0...Angels rarely get lead off runners on...opponents seem to do it all the time...of late, right in the first inning first pitch!...hmmph...and there was one long bit all about a sash in the paintings around figures' waists...what author did was count up where the sash, and other emblems, showed up, and from that make statistical models, even pie charts, of the frequencies of this and that...this a scholarly paper in the pursuit of a PhD...seemed something someone might do with tide pool critters...I was impressed reading along, but then realized how often the authors said in captions 'this might be', or 'that might be'...lots of 'could bes', and realized none of these scholars know what they are talking about!...they collect data like stats on the back of baseball cards, but seemingly can't make heads or tails of what they have...let me see if I can find one of those paragraphs that are typical...not to gainsay the author's's a very good web site...trying to post up in blog like format a traditional scholarly paper is no easy thing to do...hit down the right field line...Astros 2-0...runner at 2nd...and now one goes down the left field line...another double...Astros bottom of 1st...
Why was the looped sash worn at the king’s waist almost always painted red? What significance does this color hold and what message does it convey as a prominent regalia element? In the first post on the red looped sash, we discussed the use of sashes in general, outlined previous scholarship on the regalia element, and pointed out the occurrences of the looped sash in Ramesside royal tombs. That post noted that flowing sashes were connected to divine insignia and appear to have been related to the ankh, an important symbol of revivification. In this second installment of our examination of the looped sash, the focus is a general examination of the color red in ancient Egypt. Although it may seem a digression, it is important to this four-part discussion of the range of meanings inherent in the physical appearance of the looped sash that an investigation of its color be carried out.
well, I wont delve and nit pick...but reading along, it came to me what all the regalia and such are...they aren't something to do with divinity or afterlife, something to get one through to Paradise...they're spells...all of it...magic charms...each hieroglyph, each emblem, each tableau...all of it, the temples, the pyramids, the tombs...its one big effort to ward off this world, in this day to finds aspects of the color red in sunset and sunrise...suggesting the sun rose in blood, and set in blood...well, it's so, sunsets and sunrises are colorful atmospheric effect...but then I thought about it...back then, folk didn't know that...didn't know the sun is 93 million miles away...the sun was part of a cosmology that was small compared to was close by, right up there overhead...moon too...stars too...and the color changes in the sky would have an import we don't much take note of then was kind of like toys to kids...Ohtani's throwback week or something....waps a double down the line...Ohtani has 'sho-time' on his jersey...Astros wore day glo yellow sleeveless jerseys last night...looked like a bunch of highway road repair workers!...Pujols up...and they believed in magic...and listened to the King with rapt attention...I cant find a bone of skepticism in the ancient Egyptians...or the Mesoamericans and Andeans....that comes along with the Greek schools, their academies...was watching the little league world series at the pizza place, and the kids perfectly mimic the big leaguers mannerism...even to spitting with big league style...Ohtani thrown out at third base trying to steal...a goof...ah well...first time thrown out spans were shorter back then, and children grew up quick...I dunno...trying to image a Disneyesque kind of world...highly emotional, quick to laughter, quick to sorrow...and frightened easy...and easily swayed...given to fads and such...Angels made top of 2nd...all the monuments, temples, pyramids, costume shows, rituals, would have been 'awesome'...and the general populace wouldn't have had clue what it was all about...I doubt if even the Pharaohs had clue what all the stuff was about surrounding them in their tombs, which they spent their lives fashioning...the priesthoods had a purview over everything, and it was all, how do I come to this whimsy?...Chartres Cathedral...Astros have a lead off runner on...again...back then the Bible was only iu Latin, and the cathedral is the Bible in stone...much as the ancient Egyptian books about the underworld were fashioned into the artistries....those books, and the Bible, were the 'captions' for the artistries, for the cathedral...somewhere there are captions for the Mesoamerican and Andean artistries...well, some of the Mayan and Aztec books can be read, and, spot on, they caption the artifacts and temples and pyramids...the Mayan scribes were highly regarded, and a hermetic school...'work shop'...lot of goings on about the Pharaoh's 'work shops'...where everything was the Inca's royal weavers...some of the Chartres stain glass windows show the workers making things...oh...a double out to the wall...runner from second thrown out at home...Altuve scored...Astros 4-0...and, and I can look at the carvings and statues on Chartres and know what they are about, being familiar with Bible stories...but, but back then, folk didn't read the Bible...all they knew came from the story telling of the was all oral tradition...oral tradition was kind of the 'caption' to the Bible, and the Egyptian books of the underworld...and the cathedral is covered with spells and Astro was a kind of magic edifice to ward off would take a very long book to fill this out!...for an unlikely sometime...and everyone is still superstitious...don't know but that the politicians have taken to casting spells at one another like something out of Harry Rowling's and Trump's tweets back and forth...Trump has become some kind of warlock...talks about witch hunts...well, he's acting like a witch...he'll cast an epithet laden tweet at an opponent while stirring the cauldron...Fletcher out to right top of 4th...his speeches are all refrains like chants and cheers at a sporting event, which are a kind of artifact of a time when warring opponents cast spells on one another...looked up 'play ground insults'...lots of funny clips of movie stars squaring off in pairs against one another...time and place was I would see this on the pick up basketball courts...and very well done...there's wiki history page about this for sure...but I don't know what search will bring it up...all the vignettes, the tableaus, the pottery figurines, the tocapu textiles, just all of it, are spells...prayers and such...
“Ear stelae” are a staple of ancient Egyptian art. In these scenes, which were carved into stone, both left and right ears are depicted alongside images of devout worshipers. The purpose of these stelae were to enable Egyptian Gods to hear the prayers of their people.
all the stele were spells...Astros made bottom of 4th...Trout bloops a lead off single...Ohtani up...he hits it 'out of here'...what a great kid!...Astros 4-2...Trout/Ohtani back to back...troutTime...shoeiTime...Simmons up...and all the little details were the 'ingredients' comes natural...spell casting...just consider profanities!...Arcia on with a hit...guess Simmons made out...Ward top of 5th...but, what in the world does astronomy and sacred geometry have to do with spell casting???...well, astrology is one come back thought...ancients were obsessed with prophecies...'if you impeach me Wall Street will tank' or some such...I guess that's a charm to ward off some threat or another...the right is bespoiling the public to the point that any trial of a political nature will result in a hung jury...nearly happened with hold out scotched like ten of the counts...undue influence of juries is a crime...Altuve on for the third time with second hit...not considering the evidence is a crime...a double play...two out...runner on third...there's a very occult underpinning to the right's goes back to the Nazis and their pre occupations with mysticisms...those scenes in moverRaidersoftheLostArc of Nazis scouring the world for support for their pre suppositions in ancient artifacts not far afield!...a miserly mess...Founding Fathers tried to set superstition in the past...the internet is bringing it all back...left and right wing witches back and forth with spells!...they have names, many sites going on about...I'm skirting it...but note present doings to somehow show how the ancients lived...magic was everywhere for them...Astros made out...Angels up bottom of 5th...two out...Fletcher up...ground top of 6th...

Personified Djed pillar standing on the neb basket and holding two Was-scepters. Detail from the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
that's a spell...the whole temple is full of them...but, it also has the Zodiac and star lore...and there, in that image/spell from Dendera, is the rosette...went on about rosette in last post...a sacred geometry thing...requiring skills with math/geometry...compass/straight edge...a single made into a triple on error by hands ball on ground too often...needs to get down like infielder, use one's body...a walk for Maldonado...Astros make bottom of 6th...Trout up...hit thru the right side...Ohtani up...0-1...0-2...K...sliders and fast ball...Pujols up...

Plan of the labyrinth of Chartres Cathedral.

North transept rose window, c.1235

South transept rose window, c.1221-30
Each bay of the aisles and the choir ambulatory contains one large lancet window, most of them roughly 8.1m high by 2.2m wide.[32] The subjects depicted in these windows, made between 1205 and 1235, include stories from the Old and New Testament and the Lives of the Saints as well as typological cycles and symbolic images such as the signs of the zodiac and labours of the months, or the Good Samaritan parable.
... ... ...
Just like their northern counterparts, the south transept portals open into deep porches which greatly extend the space available for sculptural embellishment. A large number of subsidiary scenes depict conventional themes like the labours of the months and the signs of the zodiac, personifications of the virtues and vices and also further scenes from the lives of the martyrs (left porch) and confessors (right porch).
Simmons waps a triple...Trout scores...Astros 4-3...Arcia up...0-1...ground top of 7th...the windows have the arced tops, like the stele/shields...and again, where things are is what things are...the Egyptians reserved the top portion for the sun representations...a kind of no brainer is the arcing top represents the sky...and even the pillars/sides a stylized representation of the goddess Nut arching over the earth...the sunrise, noon, sunset...this is just everywhere...

Pythagoras on one of the archivolts over the right door of the west portal at Chartres
Joseph Campbell references his spiritual experience in The Power of Myth:
I'm back in the Middle Ages. I'm back in the world that I was brought up in as a child, the Roman Catholic spiritual-image world, and it is magnificent ... That cathedral talks to me about the spiritual information of the world. It's a place for meditation, just walking around, just sitting, just looking at those beautiful things.same wiki
Altuve got on again somehow...and then to second on passed ball...Altuve the Menace!...the architraves in the portals are very goddess Nut like...the way they spring up from the ground to the top...and nested...Simmons makes a saving play...Altuve to third...comebacker and Anderson pitching tosses ball to first for bottom of 7th...
the figures are 'spells' around a's a reach, I know, but everyday, as the sun rises over all and then sets, is a door is said all of it, the artistries, is about resurrection and life after death, both for Chartres, and for Egyptian things, and they are, for certain, but in truth it is mostly about the day to to get through the hours of the day, and the hours of the night...hmmph...Angels made out quick?...what's going on...yep...Perez on mound top of 8th...
Like the two earlier Great Netherworld Books, the Book of Caverns first of all describes the journey of the sun god (Ra) from the western horizon to the eastern horizon through the underworld, the divine creatures that he meets, and his interaction with them. Important landmarks on his journey are
- the caverns of the "justified" deceased, now divine creatures (1st and 2nd tableau);
- the cavern of Osiris’s corpse and the sun god's own two divine bodies (3rd tableau); and
- the exit of the underworld for the sunrise (final tableau).
lead off home run for Astros...Astros 5-3...and another my thought while looking at images of these books, was the lookout for Pythagorean triangles...there's not that many that are distinctive, though often in all the geometric things the Egyptians depict, the triangle, the Pythagorean triples, are sort of imbedded in the Great Pyramid if sliced down the middle makes two right angle triangles...which is just like a no brainer, but Mystereons go on about it...but in the Book of Caverns I found one...a couple more hits and another run...Astros 6-3...
hooey...Ward from third overthrows Pujols...more runs score...ground out to Simmons...Astros 8-3...that overthrow happened last nite to the Astros third baseman...easy to's a long throw to get fast runners...even getting set, there's a nervous moment...and I have no idea what that stele like image is about, except it is certain to be a spell of some sort...and it somehow incorporates geometry...Fletcher makes out...Trout out to center...Ohtani...oh, too was a good game...and with the line up coming up, the top of the order, the Angels had a good, everything out of reach...hit by pitch!...warning being issued!...that was intentional...Altuve was hit earlier...missed that...Pujols up...welcome to the big leagues, Ohtani! top of 9th...
The squat, spherical body is decorated with a wide central band of angular geometric designs. These step patterns are thought to be references to stepped pyramids or temple steps; a motif often depicted in their art.
a few post back I went on and on about how the step fret...the steps, the curl, were often together with a triangle...went back over this, and, and it's a right triangle!...consistently even...go figure!...grounder...two outs...Astro hit...McGuire ejected...after a warning pitcher gone...and Scioscia gets ejected arguing the call...line out to bottom of 9th...
Kamuef (‘the bull of his mother’), Tomb of Ramses IX.
In this image, Schwaller saw the Pythagorean principle of tri-unity. In Egyptian theology, ka (‘bull’, ‘spirit’) indicates the active masculine force in the triad; mut, the ‘mother’, represents the feminine receptive force; while the child or son represents the product. The paradox that binds the three aspects of this lineage into a triangular unity lies in the fact that the son, by recapitulating (indeed reincarnating) his father, becomes thereby the bull (spirit and inseminator) of his mother. In short, he is the father of himself. Rather than being a simple ‘product’, he exists both in a primary state, ‘before’ the separation or differentiation into gendered polarity (male-female) and in an ultimate state, ‘after’ the two poles have been differentiated and then recombined (the alchemical conjunctio or cohabation).
Reproduced from R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, The Temple of Man: Apet of the South at Luxor. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 1999.
it's just a spell!...dag nabbit! that's how the Mystereons go on and on...and it is a curio that it is a Pythagorian triangle...and there is some import that the serpent makes the two sides, which Mystereons note...and which may be a clue to all the serpent depictions...maybe counting them all up and doing a pie chart will unravel that enigma!...Arcia up...there are tons of angles in the Egyptian there are in the Andeans' tocapus...and I don't think any of the scholars have collated them, and captioned them...a daunting task...two out...Ward up...2-2...Angels had it in them tonight to win this one...but came unraveled...K...Doom won...
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