Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Open To Interpretation

More Cylinders...

Notes: Game on...on the radio...Angels and Blue Jays...Angels 2-1...bottom of fifth...Calhoun and Goodwin wapped solo home run in the top of fifth...Skaggs on the mound for the Angels...lead off hit for Jays...runner reaching for third thrown out by Calhoun!...from yesterday:



line out double play!...to top of sixth...Lastella, Trout, Ohtani coming up...Lastella ground out...Trout ground out...Ohtani grounds out...to bottom of sixth...and then there's these:...


Image result for wari artifacts lorca museum



another view of above, gettyimages:

note the loops on the sides, are these for carrying?...a lookalike to the loops on the big storage jars at Knossos...pic yesterday...Fletcher up...grounds out...to bottom of seventh...


Image result for wari artifacts lorca museum



pottery is studied and studied, the various shapes named...Jays 123...to top of eighth...Angels with lead off runner...search; typology greek vases brings thing up, typology wari vases, not so much...that search brings up the greek vases!...hmmph...another search is: greek pottery dynamic symmetry...let me try that with 'wari'...lots of pot pics from that search under menu drop down 'images', and some pages behind paywalls under menu 'all'...Smith with hit...runners at corners...Lastella up...fc...runner scores...Angels 3-1...that helps!...two down Trout up...I've tried to fathom dynamic symmetry, just that, and too as it is applied to ancient Greek vases, the presupposition looking at the later is that the Greek potters were cognitive of dynamic symmetry, and applied it while fashioning their pots on pottery wheels...I dunno...likely I think artists hear 'symmetry' the same as they hear notes that are in tune, music that is musical--granted nowadays anything can be musical...anyway, the Andeans didn't have the pottery wheel, and look to have done just fine arriving at symmetry...anyway...Trout hit by pitch...and, Ohtani ground out...to bottom of eighth...I was looking at the Andean pottery, trying to find a pot that was a standard measure for giving grain as tribute...measuring devices are found in the Old World for the ancient cultures--rulers, weights, scales, but I haven't found those for the New...I've noted the girds, so there is that, even the step fret as a grid making tool...back when going on about Diaz and Mayan geometry and rattlesnakes!...oh, about the rattlesnakes...Diaz goes on about the rattle...it's morphic, tapering herringbone like shape, supposing the rattle a lookalike for human hearts...for sometime Coatlicue, the Aztec statue covered with rattlesnake motifs--rattles that look like hearts...grim...anyway, the Boar tusk cap of the Sumerians look like rattlesnake rattles!...

File:Fragment Bau Louvre AO4572.jpg



Diaz source:

Jays made out...to top of ninth...Pujols up...hit...Calhoun makes out...Fletcher up...but, there were no rattlesnakes in the Old World...fc, Fletcher on first...Smith up...but curious that mophic shape found favor, was heard, in both worlds...game too fast to reach this post's reach...Seahorsemen's Brew...lol...preview: the ingredients of chica beer, the beverage drank in the Andean keros, see keros pic above, has been recovered from traces found in drinking cups...for tomorrowmorrow...Angels made out...to bottom of ninth...and then there's this:



one down...upside down a bit, from an upside down age!...lol...two down...Vlady Jr. up...1-2 count...2-2...Robles on the mound is goofing around to Vlady, and Mark cautions it's dangerous silly, and, a hard liner to Trout...Angels 3-1...put a halo over this one...Angels back to the 500 mark...



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