Sunday, June 9, 2019


Open To Interpretation


Notes: Game on...on the radio...Mariners and Angels...bottom of fourth...on youtube there are old complete baseball radio broadcasts...listened awhile to Tigers and Yankees, 1934!...Ohtani up...Mariners 2-1...last inning, Lastella hit a home run for the Angels...some continuation from yesterday:..I kept browsing, trying to figure out that vignette from the Nuttall Codex in yesterday's post...K, and Ausmis ejected...umpire bad calls...Kd up Trout last inning...Pujols ground out...Mariner's pitcher throws junk...curves change ups slow stuff....Leblanque the name...or some top of fifth....


a long again read from yesterday, my take:

quote (me)

on middle left is the rectangular box with the step motif...I did a bit about this as a 'platform' said that that's what it is...and put it side by side with Andean step motifs that look to be platforms...notably the Sun Gate at Lake Titicaca...the ballcourt, way back last season, I thought, or read said, a gateway to the underworld...something to do with wind, and a pectoral that looks like a tube, and I cant recall all what!...Mayans and windy caves...go figure...anyway...that for the step motif collection...Angels made top of out...not knowing what the motifs mean lends them a mystery...above, a guess:...figures paying tribute to the tree of life with its roots in the underworld/lake populated with the usual denizens...the figures names above them, those dots and icons, rabbit, skull, deer, all calendar stuff...they hold atlatl gear, common in Andean iconography...the half step frieze by their feet is Andean too above the lake--waves?...had to look close to see those!...the other three sides, the border design, of the box, are, I dunno...surprisingly simple...alternating colors?...split colors often a thing...Regnifo gets a single with error for a double...Lastella K...Trout up...the post thing on the left is holding up like a beam...the canopy shrine stylized/temple?...Trout W...Ohtani up...and on that beam are 'T' motifs ...ground out...runners move up...Albert up...and on the beam are things, like a creature's looks like in the water, are an open clam, far right, and a spiral shell, far left...left monster a  turtle...I on and on! take,


the Tree of Life, I find, is a mountain, and the beam and post the name of the Town, as I suspected...the warriors are on rafts...on a lake...the surface has greek meanders, not step motifs...the lake with its monsters, the three side borders with its border designs, the surface with the meander, and the color, green, show up again and again in other vignettes...everything in these vignette are something!...runner on first picked off...two out...throwing error moves Mariner to third on a swinging bunt...



that's the ball court horizontal 'H' I went on about shows up a lot too, with just those four colors arranged that way, and with the step fret motifs in the rectangle...that step motif I found as a nose ring, and it's said to be a nose ring that just women wear...the little rectangle may indicate the slot for the nose...that little rectangle is on Moche Lord Sipan's fan headdress, and may be that the fan is a nose ring too...oh, sure this is, I've seen the fan/crescent tumi knife nose rings on the Moche figures...for sometime...the codex vignettes are like the whole motif pursuit in miniature...Mariners made bottom of fifth...Goodwin with lead off hit...line out to left out...on first seeing the vignette, if  one is unfamiliar with any of it, it's confusion...but going from vignette to vignette, self similarities show,  and the curious drawn in, wondering what things are, then what things mean...and, as many people who are curious about these motifs, I cant find a good dictionary of them...same problem with Egyptian motifs...and commentators' captions are all over the map...the commentators like after the fall of the Tower of Babel...they are all talking different languages, engaged in quarrelsome back and forths...every modern language has a dictionary...somehow, before writing, there was universal spoken word agreement...Regnifo with a hit...two on base for Angels...Lastella up...robbed, ball hauled in at the warning top of sixth...all the motifs, from stone age, to modern age, have no dictionary...those known are known from oral tradition...maybe...that's a 'I dunno'...looking at charts found with search: motifs and symbols "any culture here", is to be left in the dark!...brb...Mariners wap a homerun...Mariners 3-1...


looking about, I could easily find a page like that for Navajo textiles...another solo home run...Mariners 4-1...with motifs, that's kind of how things are done...scattered individual interpretations, inspired observations, educated guesses, maybes...with a spoken modern language dictionary, the dictionaries are maintained, created, by the very best of scholars...famously, James Joyce and T.S. Eliot were going to team up and make a they hoped to compete with the Oxford dictionary scholars, I dunno!, those Mesoamerican vignettes, their motifs/elements, have the look of being absolutely consistent...I mean, there were thousands of these books until the Conquest burned them, and the beginning readers would have had the same questions anyone does, and told to 'look it up in the dictionary', though I wonder just how that would work in an oral tradition only language, which all languages started out as...oh, this is a rumination that must be delved into by scholars somewhere!...brb...
Before the invention of the dictionary, where did people look for the meanings of words they didn't know?
the usual Quora back and forth...hmmph...oral traditions must have a lot of spoken questions with spoken answers...the codex vignettes are like the vignettes on Greek vases, snippits of oral tradition stories...once the oral traditions are lost, the vignettes became confusing...modern dictionary scholars fight oral tradition drift...listening to the 1934 game, the announcer was perfectly understandable, even the kind of twang in voices from that era was absent...Trout with W...Ohtani up...K...third K for Ohtani today...Pujols up...but all across the world now there are English speakers with different accents...the only thing keeping the drift including words too, is the urban dictionary of urban slang is almost an cant be done...oral tradition drift is, so how did the ancients stay on the same page! did the Egyptian hieroglyphs remain readable until like 500AD?...a grammarian could go through my writing and trash it...the Israeli Bible is hand copied by calligraphers to this day, the oldest copy only back to like 300AD...young students memorize holy books, previous ones lost...maintaining a tradition, written or oral, is a problem!, so, going from codex vignette to vignette, puzzling over the motifs, is like trying to track back to a kind of dictionary...I dunno...maybe there was a dictionary...a master clip art/designs reference's thought the Egyptians had such...there are some of these made after the Conquest, made up for the self same curious as modern viewers...but, they look like the blanket symbol explanations...
Image result for history azted codex mendoza lessons teach
History Aztecs Codex Mendoza - Lessons - Tes Teach
File:Codex Mendoza folio 43r.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
site has a bunch of these codex pages, and on the right of each page, a column for comments...reminds me of youtube...imagine, one could post to youtube just one codex vignette to a clip, and then, and then commentators would fill in the comments with intuitive observations, and all about the motifs recovered!...that page above has captions in Spanish, and miserable to read the script...nowhere can I find them in is so full of robotic troll comments, I mean, like every clip trails the same comments, just altered a little to fit the's weird!...thankfully, they're no longer full of the chat one might see in a live stream, like kids wrestling and teasing at recess!...Mariner 7-1...bottom of seventh...Lucroy up...K...Tovar up...oh, a conclave of the serious is needed...oh, and there seems to be one, a coven!...a conclave of the serious scholars of ancient motifs that keeps its cards close to the chest...this to surround themselves with mystery, and donations--money...kind of like NASA! sac fly...Mariners 7-2...Angels make top of eighth...
Image result for nuttall codex
another Mariner home run...Mariners, that vignette has the ball court, and the lake, the step motifs/rectangle  and the mountains, the four colors, the sea shell, the funny fish, the clam, wait...the ball court has four partitions, but three colors, one section looks to be the lake...the warriors on the raft again...someones at sometimes could read that vignette, simple as I write and read this...oh, the greek meander waves are on the fountains coming out of the lake...on the top left mountain is an element, the white tangled thing, that is up on the first vignette lying sideways on top of the step motif rectangle...the base of the mountain a curio...a wonder if it is stylized mouth with teeth!
Image result for nuttall codex
and there's the lakes again, modified a lot...the waterfall on the right from a dragon's mouth?...that whole outer border a dragons mouth, with the bumps/teeth, swallowing the fellow...
Image result for nuttall codex
on the left side of the lower left one is what looks to be a tree, the Tree of Life?...I dunno...but I see that often, so my thought the mountain is a tree, both in same spot as topmost vignette...and there the mountain looks to be an island...Mariners made out...Trout on...Ohtani makes out...two out...Queo up...Trout on third...base hit...Mariners 8-3...Goodwin up...Angels make top of ninth...oh!...found a wiki youtube clip, a wiki facsimile of the web site take on the Nuttall codex...
Mariners with another run...Mariners 9-3...Mariners make bottom of ninth...I'm looking for the one I saw where the figures are stepping in it...the lake...DP...K...'and that is how the ball game will end'...more about the 'lake' tomorromorrow...Dodgers in Town...

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