Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Babble Words/notes/1/9/2024

 Touch Touch


SYNTHESIZER PLAYER: What are we saying to each other?

PROJECT LEADER: It seems they're trying to teach us a basic tonal vocabulary.

MAN: It's the first day of school, fellas.

from movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind


In linguistics, mama and papa are considered a special case of false cognates. In many languages of the world, sequences of sounds similar to /mama/ and /papa/ mean "mother" and "father", usually but not always in that order. This is thought to be a coincidence resulting from the process of early language acquisition.[1][2][3][4]

from wiki


Notes: Permeating the movie are the five tones, da de daa dee daaa...those are the five vowels, I kept saying...when the Spaceship lands at the Devil's Postpile, there's a back and forth of big tones, what orchestras often do before a concert-"looks like a wonderful evening"...S.E.T.I lured Twain with a humpback whales tone...Twain, being a humpback whale, arrived and answered with the tone...aaand, they had a back and forth, a cadence, a double word, reduplication, a BABBLE...babbling is what babies do-mama, dada...false cognates...mom and dad answer right back with babble talk, cadences, cadences that become more developed, and soon enough one acquires one's native language...ez pz...it's not so easy as an adult to learn a language...but, there are "Islands of Genius"...for tommorrowmorrow...




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