Wednesday, January 10, 2024




Rhyming Reduplication

What's up, Chief.?, asked runamuk-i- .
Chief was dreary looking, lost in thought, gazing into space, pondering, outside time itself. Strangers seeing the Chief such, found themselves drawn to staring at him, spellboud, wondering, pondering, where Chief was off to in his own world.
He absently touched his scant haired scalp...
Oh, what's up Run? At this question,
the noise and hubbub of Skewed News came back on. In times of concern it could become loud, boisterous, back and forth, to and fro, with this or that story, that or this opinion.
Visa versa and Versa visa left off their back forth, forth and back, on seeing Chief back from his revery.
Trouble chief, double trouble! they said, simultaneously, together together.
A singularity, please. Chief said.
The whole crew was about his desk, his fort, his castle- a rabble of simultaneous brouhaha of no discernable up or down, that or this, this or that.
Chief held up a phantom baton, and the throng unraveled to silence, attention, reasonableness, which wouldn't last.
But for a moment it was a still portrait, there, out of time and place it seemed: Snivel C. Horridus, Charlene C. Crarcarisis, DeerDolphin, DolphinDeer, aforementioned the Chief, Runamuk-I-, Visa versa, Versa visa, and Doggeral D. Dog.
Woof, barked Doggeral. And the spell ended.

Note: Back on old GEnie, 1989?, I would post to WritersInk forum, and there were chat nights, and I tried to put Skewed News and the Crew into the didn't fly, nor I, eventually GEnie didn't either, a curious story...the Crew were a parody then of what is more apparent now-how news organizations flip flop...oh, flip flop is a rhyming duplication!...exploring linguistics as I am, I thought to write up this SN scene-newsroom anywhere USA Small Town, and use double words...back then I did use doubling, reversing, and punning... yet to get to punning, palindromes, and the like...I found an illustration for Snivels, a New Years gift card-snake in cocktail glass with cherry and umbrella...have in mind to study the Mad Tea Party for ideas...




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