Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Touch Touch

Reduplication Words


The word portmanteau was introduced in this sense by Lewis Carroll in the book Through the Looking-Glass (1871),[26] where Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice the coinage of unusual words used in "Jabberwocky".[27] Slithy means "slimy and lithe" and mimsy means "miserable and flimsy". Humpty Dumpty explains to Alice the practice of combining words in various ways, comparing it to the then-common type of luggage, which opens into two equal parts:

You see it's like a portmanteau—there are two meanings packed up into one word. 



We got to see Tomorrow-morrow Land 
Home! Tomorrow-morrow Land!
movie Beyond Thunderdome

Notes: There's different kinds of Reduplication Words...two of them are: exact and inexact, I suppose.  Any word doubled is exact...and then there's inexact, tip top, as opposed to:  top top, or tip tip...exact pairs...Tweedledee and Tweedledum has both, compounded together....kinda...Tweed and Tweed, le and le, are exact...dee and dum, inexact...that's as far as I go sounding like a linguist!...but a search comes to mind...Lewis Carol/reduplication...brb...heck, that's where I was yesterday, along with a lot double words have that aspect of "two meanings jammed together"...noun and verb like doing a visa versa dance...beach beach is an exact double that has, in the dictionary, noun and verb...beach, as run a boat up on a beach, a verb, and beach, the beach!, a noun...breach breach the same, open, and an opening...teach teach...teach a nickname for teacher, a noun, teach, a verb...and what is "each"?'s like the first letter, a prefix?, are the letters doing to "each" like suffixes do to stems, the big part of a word!, all the time...s, ing, ed, ...each each...I dunno...tomorrowmorrow (that's from movie Thunder Dome when the kids relate the story, which they have kept straight!) tomorrowmorrow, Hawaiian Double Words!



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