Today taken up with coming back from Glen Aulin....report in the works....to continue last weekend in Lyell Canyon....Tuesday morning, I was putting clean socks on, sitting in the Tent, but not looking up....down the slope, on the Muir Trail, hikers were talking, and I noted that they'd startled a Doe, maybe one from the evening before...looked back down to my socks, looked up...'blink'...Two Fawns just a few feet away, looking right at me!...no chance for pic, so just looked back...commotion below startled Fawns, and off Fawns ran down to Ireland Creek....now, I got the camera, and paddled down the slope in my socks, and some lucky clips!....packed, and hiked back to the Meadows Store...and an hour or so of time, and thought to read and doze on the Meadows Edge, but while having breakfast combo at the Benches, looked up, 'blink', and there was my Meadows friend sitting across from me..."Did you go to Louisiana?"....did a double take..."Oh, no, still could I guess, have put in for vacation time"....thought two weeks before, was to run off and join the oiled bird cleaning....and for the remaining time, a fine talkabout with friend and the other hikers sitting at the Benches...oh!...Paintbrush are blooming now across the Road from the Store, Shooting Stars over....Meadow still mostly green, but parts have dried out and brown...and a big Field of Lupin along the Toulumne just past Glen Aulin...more on that tomorrow!...and Mosquitoes, but not bad....
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