Shuttled over to the Village for Mail...on the way back, hopped off at Lower Falls and paddled out to Lodge Pole Point....Mallard about, and followed Mallard to Creek's End....Creek's End is changed a lot by Sand and Gravel movement from Spring...where I used to hop across the Creek by the Leaning Cedars, it is now all filled in, and the whole area leveled out....pics for sometime...sat awhile at Owl Log, which hasn't changed...tried for pics of Little Birds in the Alders...and upstream, sighted Mama Doe and One Fawn crossing the Creek....heard Kingfisher chattering up the Creek...but no luck..sunny puff clouds warm....at Lunch: sat awhile at the Fallen Cedar, and again the Willow took my attention...Mountain Chickadees about...pics...Mallard splash landed, paddled right over to me and walked up the Bank...but I had no snack, and Mallard paddled over to some tourists at the Cottonwood, who took pic, but no snack, and with no luck, Mallard splashing flew off quacking...Phoebes, Robin, Song Sparrow, about.....a windy Fall like day, except the Leaves are still green...
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