Hikers Bus dropped me off the Grill Monday morning, in time for Breakfast Combo....paddled along the Tuolumne to the pick up stop for Tioga Shuttle, and was a little late, but in time to flag the Shuttle with waving arms...hopped off at Mono Pass Trailhead, and set out to just a little past Mono Pass outside the Park and in the Ansel Adam's Wilderness....there's no overnight camping in the Dana and Gibbs watershed....over the Pass, I was hopeful that the Lake just before Sardine Lake had a vacant campsite...been this way once before, and was diverted by taken Campsites to Sardine Lake, which is a ways down Bloody Canyon, which means a ways back up the next day!....and I was lucky, while some of the Campsites were closed for restoration, I found one which was perfect...pics for sometime...when I got there, I set the Pack down, and walked out to the Lake Shore to looksee, and sighted Seagull!....clip and pics, farfar away...not many Critter pics or clips, mostly a scenic walk---Mountains, Meadows, Flowers, for sometime...today taken up with retuning...sat a little while this evening late at the Ozone Beach Cottonwoods...Sandpiper about...sunny and magnificent blue on the hike, the Ghost Wind in the Canyon all night, hot hereabout in the Valley...sighted Doe and Fawn at the A Meadow from the Bus....Seagull sat a long while on the Talus Rocks, which I did a lot my ownself!
Although the Belding spermophile has from time to time whistled in the little meadows, and the alpine chipmunk frisked about in sun-patches over rocks or among fallen trees, the scarcity of mov- ing life is at once evident.
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