After Breakfast. walked about a bit in the Backyard, sat awhile at the Creek near the Twin Fallen Cedars...Tanagers and Grosbeaks about...lots of Fledgelings about, (and up in Toulumne too--Juncos).....not much time, and to work...sunny hot blue...at Lunch: sat awhile at Ozone Beach...Robins, Mallards, Sandpiper, Raven, Blue Jay, about....oh...Mama Doe by the Path..pic...pic and clip up are from Monday overnight to Glen Aulin....paddled out Marmot Road from the Store, where the Hiker's Bus dropped me off, and after a Breakfast combo....didnt take much food with, some croissants, granola bar, apple, orange, banana....croissants, orange, and banana, I ate when I got to Glen Aulin, about three, after setting up the Tent....then I crawled into the Tent and napped....was dreaming I was taking pic of Owl...and then half dreaming someone calling 'bear...bear...Bear...BEAR...Bear has your backpack!'...a troop of teenagers had camped nearby, and I woke up enough to realize Bear was about, so poked my head out the Tent to looksee...'Bear has YOUR Backpack!"...Oh!...my Backpack...which was moving...I reached for a Boot to toss, and looking over the Tent, saw Mama Bear walking calmly off, after leaving behind my Pack, her Cub padding along close behind...(I forgot to add the little clip of this...will do before finishing post!...oh...Bugspray in the Pack...food all in Bear Can, which Bear rolled about, up to the Pack...a kinda segue)....I gathered myself together, and went up the Ridge behind the Backpackers Camp upper area...no luck, but a fun scramble to see sights...back at Camp, thanked the kids for shouting at Bear...kinda wish someone had a clip...and paddled back to the Bridges, and along the Tuolumne to where it flattens out, and goes through a Forest of Fir, and Lodgpole and some Aspens....lots of fallen Trees about, and Snags...a fine place for Critters, my thought....and Lupine....with the Sun setting, the light was terrific in the Lupine...pic and clips for sometime....and I followed the River to where it begins to have Rapids again, and went down to the River over a Granite Outcrop...a fine place for Sunset!...pics...and Phoebe was about....clip for sometime...with just enough light for pics, I started back, and back amongst the Lupine, I'm pretty sure I heard Owl 'screeeech' behind me...a Fledgling, I thought maybe, and then heard Wood being broken....Mama Bear and Cub were just a little ways behind, between some Trees, and digging for Termites....I had the mini digi set up, and have clip of their foraging, though one seldom can see their heads....Mama Bear left Cub alone, and walked out into the Lupine...clips with the new camera, hand held...I was kinda in a dilemma...I didn't know which way Mama Bear was going to go...and I was on the Trail, the most likely route, and too close to move, least I attract attention...the saying, 'if you dont know what to do, do nothing', has many applications!....Mama Bear stayed a distance away, and was joined by Cub. and while far away, the clip is a new favorite!....Mama Bear and Cub paralleled the Trail for a good while, and hikers came from behind and watched too....they'd heard of the commotion at my Tent...seems I was briefly Camp newsworthy!....lost sight, and in near darkness, reached the Tent...ate my apple, and granola bar, and to sleep, after reviewing my pics and clips of the day, and reading more of Muir's journey...to be continued...
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