While having Breakfast at Last Chance, and gazing out the Big Window, I thought I was watching Ground Squirrel barely visible in some Bushes, but Squirrel looked a little to big to be Squirrel, so, after eating, I went outside to looksee...and saw a Long Ear, and thought maybe Rabbit...once, just once, I've seen Rabbit, and in just this spot...but what I was seeing was Fawn, the Cabin Fawn, nestled....pics....didn't see Mama Doe, and didn't want to disturb Fawn....while the Trees and Brush between Last Chance and the Train Wreck is safe enough, just a short way away, is the Road, and the busiest part what with all the Tour Buses and Cars...thought on the this on Shuttle over to the Post Office...and on the way back...slept a little at the Cabin...then to work, and checked, and Fawn in same place...more pics...and more concern, as I didn't see Mama Doe again...and an hour in to work, looked out the Window, and Fawn was gone, but with some searching, sighted Fawn over in a corner of the Building with Mama Doe...so all well...cued tourist with nice camera to looksee, and went to my Locker and got the waterproof...and when I came back, a little crowd had gathered, tourists, and friends....got two short clips for personal memory...the Window thereabout is where I've spent much time at work....back to work, and Mama Doe and Fawn went off somewhere, I heard...sunny hot blue...at Lunch: sat awhile at the Ponderosa with the View of Halfdome, Robin, Sandpiper, Raven, Blue Jay, Mallard, Song Sparrow, about...and a brief call from Hawk way over in the Woods...went to looksee, but no luck....on way back, pics of Warbler, I think, have to check...tried to check in the Bookstore for the New Bird....maybe Black Storm Petrel, or Brandt Cormorant, or something....report of weekend Backpack delayed...need to sleep!
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