Pics from Backpack to Mono Pass....view of Mono Lake, and view of Little Sardine Lake...Tent was on the far shore near Lake's outlet....Clark's Nutcracker fledgling....clip is the Mergansers in the Creek, and just the tail end of the lot...Early Breakfast today, but didn't get past Laundry and a nap until almost worktime...padded back to the Swath Riprap...quiet...and sighted Kingfisher perched on the Twin Fallen Cedars....farfar away blurry pic, which I'd post tonight, but new camera's battery down...for sometime...picked up, and waded out in the Creek to see better, but Kingfisher gone....from before, I know Kingfisher will patrol up and down the Creek or Merced, and I waded to the Twin Cedars, and sat between , which is possible now, as the Top One got moved off the Lower by High Water....and after awhileawhile, Kingfisher came flying overhead...I stayed still, could have gotten flight pic, but was hopeful Kingfisher would perch again on the Cedars...but no luck, Kingfisher went way down by the Creek Bridge, and flew under it...waitedwaited some more, but no luck, and time....but this is a new project!, to get a good pic and clip of Kingfisher, now that Kingfisher is about again....sunny hot blue...at Lunch: sat awhile at the Fallen Cedar, Brewers Blackbird and Song Sparrow...Mama Mallard and Four Merganserlings floated by...tired for new camera pics, but this when the battery went--first time that's happened....should get back up...clip with the backup waterproof....Doe was by the Path, tourists viewing, but I didn't have time to see on way back to work...
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