Saturday, August 5, 2023

Apotropaic Pelta

Open To Interpretation


see 7/22 post

When even the brightest mind in our world has been trained up from childhood in a superstition of any kind, it will never be possible for that mind, in its maturity, to examine sincerely, dispassionately, and conscientiously any evidence or any circumstance which shall seem to cast a doubt upon the validity of that superstition. I doubt if I could do it myself.
- "Is Shakespeare Dead?"

When the human race has once acquired a supersitition nothing short of death is ever likely to remove it.
Autobiography of Mark Twain

Let me make the superstitions of a nation and I care not who makes its laws or its songs either.
Following the Equator, Pudd'nead Wilson's New Calendar

Apotropaic magic (from Greek apotrepein "to ward off" from apo- "away" and trepein "to turn") is a type of magic intended to turn away harm or evil influences, as in deflecting misfortune or averting the evil eye. Apotropaic observances may also be practiced out of vague superstition or out of tradition, as in good luck charms (perhaps some token on a charm bracelet), amulets, or gestures such as crossed fingers or knocking on wood. The Greeks made offerings to the "averting gods" (ἀποτρόπαιοι θεοίapotropaioi theoi), chthonic deities and heroes who grant safety and deflect evil.

Medusa is an instantly recognizable figure from ancient Greek art. Her face, whether fierce and grotesque or feminine and composed, appears in virtually all media in varying contexts. The most common interpretation of Medusa suggests she is an apotropaic symbol used to protect from and ward off the negative, much like the modern evil eye. She represents a dangerous threat meant to deter other dangerous threats, an image of evil to repel evil. A close look at her role in Greek mythology and art reveals a nuanced and complex character with multiple iterations and implications.

Chavin artists frequently used the technique of contour rivalry in their art forms, and the Raimondi Stele shows this technique through dualism in the imagery of an indigenous god and its adornments. Contour rivalry means that the lines in an image can be read in multiple ways, depending on which way the object is being viewed, and in Chavín culture it is often used to enlighten those who can understand the iconography and exclude those who can not.[4]


Around the jar are scenes of lions and dogs hunting bulls and gazelles, incised and stained with red, green, and blue paint. The two columns on either side have lotus capitals supporting the head of the protector god, Bes. The jar rests on crossed bars ending in the heads of the traditional foes of Egypt.

Apotropaic Pelta

Apotropaic Greek Key

Apotropaic Gorgon Medusa




Seizure Trigger: Alternating Colors

Vision Trigger: Contour Rivalry

Chavin Stela


King Tut's Lion

Amazon Pelta


It is an ancient form of communication to stick one’s tongue out. There are cultures all over the world where this is used to demonstrate aggression, disrespect, mockery, and even joy. It served as a symbol of intimidation for the Maori people of New Zealand, who used it as part of their war chant before going to battle. In addition to Down syndrome, hypothyroidism, and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, it is often an indication of other medical problems.

Notes:   Game on...on the radio...Seattle at Angels...Seattle 2, Angels 1...bottom of third....Gergrith with home run for word, "apotropaic" has "cast new light" on my step fret triangle take...the Andeans...oh, wait...I wanted to begin this post with the tongue out motif on the Nazca ceramic figurines, often the Trophy Heads, and go from there to the motif in Egypt, god Bes and the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, one of them, and go where I remembered the Greek Gorgon Medusa has her tongue out...there, a big on and on about these depictions of Medusa, and how the Greek Key seems to be always in them, nearr them, associated with them, and doing that work up I found that word, apotropaic!!!, aaand, like flashing light bulb!...a brain storm!...I plugged apotropaic into like everything...and, it doesn't quite stick to the step fret triangle, in the searches-found just one source, and a reach, a footnote in wiki's take of the yin yang..oh, I'll put this all together somehow here in this post!...but as I'm posting, I was considering tics, involuntary spasms, behaviors, and what might trigger them, and doing the tongue work up, the first thing, I find that quote about tongues out, and that site has bit that Dow Syndrome people have a "tic", their tongues come out (?)...what?...the Olmec obsessed on Dow Syndrome, all kinds of, to the web hereabout to look at that...I'm way ahead of myself, because there is whole lot to do with apotropaic artifacts!, motifs!...brb...welp, Dow tongue out is like a physical problem, oh, the tongue out is a problem...all manner of reasons for it!...not the least of which, it sometimes pops out when we die...which is an apotropaic attribute: the more horrible an apotropaic motif, or artifact, is, the more effective it is in warding off evil!...I find this readsaid about lucky rabbit foots...the kinda principle, axiom, is: the more awful something is the stronger it is in warding off evil, apotropaic...all kinds of examples...Pirate Flags skull and bones, Motorcycle Riders skull and bones, Yale Skull and's gotten to the bottom of seventh...Seattle 2, Angels 1...the whole panoply of Halloween is about warding off top of eighth...contour rivalry is a back and forth, a double word!...gone on and on before...TouchTouch...the back and forth triggers a "tic", an altered state, a vision trance, or some such...such can be seen in dive bar indi band shows!...noise and smoke and flashing light and colors and an incessant loud as possible drum beat and shrieking....the archaeologists are coming to the thought that the tunnels and underground chambers were...dive bars...Seattle got another run...bottom of eighth...short of a dive bar environment, one turns up the am radio while driving about town..."In the yellow truck, when I turn the radio on, it's likely I'll hear a love song..." is apotropaic, and triggers "tics", dancing, singing...Spring does it to birds and their singing...the rattle snake head top of beheaded Coatlicue can be seen two ways: as two heads meeting, or one head looking forward...the statue scared the heck out of the Spanish, the Spanish Priests buried it, but it eventually got dug up, and now has about it the innocents of Halloween scariness...but it was an apotropaic "amulet"...the Andeans buried their dead with apotropaic artifacts, the Egyptians entombed them with apotropaic Pyramids....wait, Andeans did that too...Mesoamericans too...King Tut's more pic to snag!...I have it a tropism is a "turning too" and a tropic, or tropaic (?) is the antonym, a turning away, warding away...apotropaic...Seattle 3, Angels 1, top of ninth...bottom of ninth...Ohtani up...K...tropictropic...Cron W...Moustakis up...single...Drury ground rule double...oh, two runs would have scored on the double...Seattle 3, Angels 2...and they walk Moniak...Renfroe up...bases loaded...0-2...K...didn't get to the footnote, and Step Fret Triangle apotropaic...for tomorrowmorrow....Seattle 3, Angels 2...and yes, "DavidDavid", is a double word, a contour rivalry...apotropaic....



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