Monday, August 21, 2023

Chimali (step fret) Ear Rings:OTI::pics, notes:::8/21/2023:

Open To Interpretation

Iglesias Tolteca



Maya artists incorporated an exotic material into this intricate mosaic: turquoise. The sparkling blue-green mineral sets off four pyrite serpents, symbols of royal power. A pyrite mirror, now lost, once graced the center, obscuring the two perforations used to attach the disk to a garment. This is one of two disks found in an offering in one of the substructures of the Castillo, the central pyramid platform at Chichen Itza, which was built over a cenote.

Notes:  The page from Iglesia Tolteca's facebook page belongs to yesterday's post...he's the second of these two authors I just found...their pages link to a whole bunch of others...chacana, wind jewel, ?, quincunx, step fret triangle, ?, ?, checkerboard rainbow flag...back in the blog here I've posted much about these...the pin wheel one I can show an example on a kneeling Moche warrior...but it is just line work...the cross with the colors of the four directions is common too...props for Iglesias including the Wiphalia, one of my favorite search ups...I have examples of all of these, with notes...problem with blog on line is one can't just flip thru the pages like a book...tho if I could tile the pages, that would one can do with photos and much of my blog is lifted, copy pasted, I can't really move it into paper format...I should just to back it least make the pdf? Google blogger offers...just a sec...backing up google makes an xml file...that's like the codes, the program, what one does writing code, and a computer will read the xml file-click on view as document I imagine, or some such to see it...simple enough...for sometime...Marin (yesterday's post) has a google blog that ran from 2007-2022...and he has a bunch of others that are current...Tolteca has a youtube vlog that daily shows the date in a Maya calendar animation-those big wheel little wheel images...just wanted to add this from yesterday, but while I'm here, I haven't searched up that Disc of Chichen Itza is a fit with the others!...brbk...oh, that landed me on a museum with a blog-the Dallas Museum...and there are other discs in that search!...discs, plates, vessel rims, are like gold!...on the Dallas disc I couldn't make out the feathered serpent, but in the Met disc, there it is!...and a marvel to see how the artists stylized!...both had pyrite mirrors in the center?...oh, shields too-gold...chimallis...not many survived, but they appear in the Codexes...again, the Codexes are a written record of not just the Mesoamericans, but all the Americas, North, South, Central...readsaid, globalization isn't a new thing, it was known to the Amerindians...which has been the reach of these posts!...enough that the Americas were connected...connects with the old world don't seem that urgent...leave that to the to say the Mormons don't have stuff, they do...if I remember right, they're the ones helping recover the charred scrolls of Herculaneum...for sometime, what the Mormons are up watch, the algo will have two knocking at my door!, chimali search turns up step fret ear rings, with a globalist conceit...go figure...



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