Thursday, August 3, 2023

Trophey Heads:OTI::pics,notes:::8/3/2023

 Open To Interpretation

Nasca Trophy Heads

Head Hunters

see 7/22 post

An ample food supply, temperate climate, and absence of wars contributed to a large, healthy population. It has been estimated that when Europeans first came to California, the native population was probably close to 300,000--13 percent of the indigenous peoples in North America.

Overall, trophy-taking and dismemberment appear to have been the product of the social geography of prehistoric central California, where culturally differentiated tribes lived in close proximity to their enemies. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The Cahuilla, like most of the California Indians, have been a very peaceful people. Their main troubles were between villages, and were caused by boundary disputes. Each village had definite boundaries, within which the inhabitants lived, hunted, and gathered mesquite and other food products. Food was very scarce in the old days and any infringement of one group on the land of the adjacent group was considered grounds for enmity and often subsequent war.

 It remains a mystery whether Polynesians, Native Americans, or both peoples undertook the long journeys that would have led them together. The findings could mean that South Americans, hailing from what’s now coastal Ecuador or Columbia, ventured to East Polynesia. Alternatively, Polynesians could have arrived in the Marquesas alone having already mixed with those South American people—but only if they’d first sailed to the American continent to meet them.

Notes:  Game on...on the radio...bottom of fourth...Ohtani out...he's pitched four innings, but reliever is up in bullpen, so Ohtani will be replaced as pitcher in fifth? score the 7/22 post, I called the lower face a birthing figure...welp, no, it's a trophy head hanging from the step fret belt...the wonder has been how did the step fret triangle migrate from the Andes to Mesoamerica, and even the, my thought, Ecuador a hub...a hub, sorta, they traded in shrunken heads...collected a better word!...trophy heads were a really really big deal to the Andeans, the Mesoamericans, the Native Americans...yep, Soriano on the mound now for, the souvenirs of warfare, trophy heads, are all over in the Andean's art, and often in proximity with the step fret triangle...Mesoamerica too...the tongue out is a tell...the figure in the middle of the Aztec Calendar Disk has its tongue out...for sometime, the tongue out motif!...and head hunting was pervasive all over the ancient was acceptable, and celebrated...I guess...I dunno...Seattle makes bottom of, each tribe had it's turf (thinking of California Indians here), and were unique from their neighbors in some ways, but when warring against one another, the symbols of warfare intermingling...this intermingling I suspect went right up from Peru to Arizona, a domino affect, or a Feynman would put it, everything is jiggling, transfering heat, information...oh, I'm "seeing" this better than describing it!...culture conventions transfer by warfare, and the centerpiece, back then, was the trophy head...human head hunting has been outlawed, but head hunting still goes on, hunters take animal trophy heads...fump...California had hundred of tribes, with different languages, and a Mediterranean climate, and were a completely stone age culture, cultures...though I read said there may have been contact with Ecuador...did they hunt heads?, take scalps?...brb...Seattle gets a run...Mariners 1-Angels 0..."culturally differentiated tribes lived in close proximity to their enemies"...what I wanted to say!...Ohtani up...walks again...aaand steals second...CJ Cron with rbi hit...there are maps of all the pre-Columbian tribes in California, North America, Mexico, MesoAmerica, Central America, South America...a task to compare their border contacts...Moustakas with an rbi hit...Seattle 1, Angels 2...Grichuk players for Angels from trades...well, I've diverted from the Nazca trophy heads...there is a lot of papers about them, and there are many stylized depictions on pottery and textiles...for sometime!...time to feed the critters...bbk with report...oh, Ohtani had a cramp in his pitching hand...bk...Estavez on of ninth...Ohtani wapped a home run in eighth...Seattle with runner on...Mariners 1-Angels 3...home run...tie game!!!?...oh...wait...a grand slam!!!...what happened!?...Seattle 5, Angels 3...I was away...sigh...Estevez walked hits a batter, and a back and bottom of ninth...Mariners 5-Angels 3...



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