Monday, August 7, 2023

Nasca Hair Hanks:OTI::pics,notes:::8/7/2023

Open To Interpretation

Nasca Hair Tufts

Notes:  Game on...on the radio...Giants at Angels...Giants 2, Angels 2...seventh just tied the game with home run...Sandoval has pitched thru seven, but now relived after Moustakis throwing error puts runner on first with two out...another close game!...oh, for the post I'm looking thru one book on line, part of it, a few pages...bottom of seventh...Angels with runner on third, no one  out...Girgritch hit a triple?...and Regnifo hit a single...Giants 2, Angels 3...Ohtani up...the pages offered by Google Books take...I can get the book on kindle for reasonable out...somewhere in these pages is mention how the Nasca motifs are star lore...looking for just that!...when I use the chrome book I just bookmark, no copy paste...hard to explain...I hold the book with one hand, and mouse around on the pad with one finger while kicked back in the leather lazy boy...I need to get the chrome book a remote mouse and keyboard, but I have to hold it near my face to see it!...with the the phone and pad, they have touch screens-no book with a touch screen?...must be such...Moniak with a saving catch against the bottom of eighth...I found the book searching : Nasca tongue ceramics, or some such...a lot of different stuff is attached to the tongues, which can be very long...and found myself educated about "hair hanks"...along with trophy heads there are trophy bodies, stylized outstretched like so many entrails, with little tuffs of hair...bespeaks of the Aztecs depicting severed limbs showing the wound with dots, and protruding top of ninth...runner on, no one out...oh, I'm skip reading the pages...need to close read, aaand get the notes the phases of Nasca pottery, which are very distinct...W...two on...and has the names of the motifs, Horrible Bird, Mythical Killer Whale, and so on...two runs score, ball gets by in the outfield...Giants 4, Angels 3...still two on, and no one out...bunt sac, runners move to second and third..."a nightmarish ninth inning"...Esteves lifted...Giants 6-Angels 3...Giants 7-Angels bottom of gone...two down...when I post, I sit properly straight up at the laptop. and a giant screen with the remote keyboard and I watch Disney + too...Giants 7-Angels 3...



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