Sunday, August 20, 2023

Marin Hanub Ku:OTI::pics,notes:::8/20/2023

Open To Interpretation

Guillermo Marín Ruiz (30 April 1952) is an independent writer, cultural promoter, and researcher of multiple works,[1] mainly related to Toltecayotl which refers to the cultural and philosophical roots of Indigenous civilization[2] and history in what is now known as Mexico.

The symbol known as Hunab Ku, is located in the 16th century Magliabecchiano Codex and in the reproduction made by Zelia Nuttall. It is painted in a cloth and has an inscription which says "sand and water". It was later associated with the milky way and the "God Hunab Ku" by Jose Arguelles in 1987 in his book The Maya Factor, who changed the symbol to a circle.


However, the symbol in question belongs to all Cem Anahuac cultures and not only the Mayans. It is composed of four butterflies that point to the four existence directions in "complementing opposite pairs", black with white and white with black, that is, material and immaterial, iconographic concept that presents to us clearly the dialectic principle of the pair of complementing opposites.

Notes:...No baseball in SoCal today, a football game though-Rams?...brbk...Saints 22 - Chargers 17, and it's only pre-season...hmmph...and Hurricane to Tropical Storm Hillary was a nothingburger hereabout, but in other places looks to be living up to expectations...I forgot to turn the wheel barrow over, but, it's tarp canopy over the sailboat split...cats all fine...went to the movies, saw Voyage of the Demeter...another take on "black dragons", but curious to watch with Aztec myths in mind, and that "optic sculpting" notion-see yesterday's post...found some stuff for "candy stripe-sometime post" yesterday's carry over...led to obsidian mirrors....and, I discovered two, not one, blogger/vloggers, authors, who have been searching up the Hanub Ku, that step fret looking thing that looks like a yin yang...that comparison made by both!, and I thought my linking it kind of a discovery...always footprints in places I thought untrodden!...I might have a take on the triangle of the step fret triangles...readsaid the triangle represents a sun ray, which is a fit with the thought I had that a right triangle is a sun dial feature...a up pointing triangle is in the center of the famous calendar stone...and one of the Aztec gods has it for a motif (Xipe Totec?) ...anyway, Marin is all over social media, for a long while, with takes on the motifs, like the Hanub Ku, and surrounds them with his cosmology takes, or some such...Nuttall's take was there was old world contact, aaand, she goes the route of the swastika, tracing the self similarities thru history, including the Hanub Ku, and the Step Fret...this in 1901...apparently I am a very very late comer to the "step frets all over the place" notion!...Marin writes in Spanish, that youtube clip I just found by another vlogger is in Spanish...thru Marin I've hit ore...maybe because I don't speak Spanish my browses haven't happened on Marin, and untold was an odd search that found his blog...xipe totec mixtec kneeling warrior...or some such...if I remember right, Xipe Totec holds the red white striped staff...these stripes too on the Mixtec warrior...especially the little stone weapon in his hand, and his big eye rings...see post back a few days...oh, wait...I'm so sloppy keeping track, but that slop works out to actually be a good tool...not being able to remember something, one finds new avenues trying to remember!...just found that Mayan "gem"...from image image search is how I found Marin's blog...and image searches are like that computer endless paper-drawings inside drawings inside drawings! it's raining cats and doggers!...and it's late...time for a snack and nap...continued tomorrowmorrow...



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