Saturday, August 12, 2023

Little Owl:OTI::pics,notes:::8/12/2023

Open To Interpretation

Artists of coastal societies sometimes associated anthropomorphized birds with war, battle, headhunting, and ritual activities. In Moche ceramic art (1–800 A.D.), raptorial birds were portrayed as warriors and sacrificers (67.167.1). As their human counterparts, they handle shields, maces, and tumi knives. Hummingbirds also appear in combat scenes, where they metaphorically symbolize flying spears. Owls played a significant role in Moche religion. In art, they carry defeated warriors to the world of the dead, as they would carry their catch to the nest. Owls occasionally personify shamans or folk healers, whose power of curing supernatural illness is strengthened by the acute vision of the nocturnal birds.,vision%20of%20the%20nocturnal%20birds.

However, in reality, Tlaloc's two main identifiyers are fangs, along with ringed eyes.[10] Furthermore, his lips are a very defining feature - they are shaped like a mustache. He is most often coupled with lightning, maize, and water in visual representations and artwork.[11] Other forms of Tlaloc include a variety of elements or symbols: jaguar, serpent, owl, water lily, bufurcated tongue, quetzal, butterfly, shell, spider, eye-of-the-reptile symbol, cross/venus symbol. The amount of different symbols associated with Tlaloc stem from past, widespread confusion on the deities appearance, along with the old, widespread worship of this deity.

Notes:  Game on...on the radio...Angels at Astros...bottom of third, no score...I took another swing at the Mixtec Kneeling Warrior...this on going a long time! top of fourth...Ohtani up....I don't think it is a modern "fake", but its uniqueness lends to that thought, that and the fine's a vessel, sorta like a stirrup vessel-those found in Peru...well, the pose is found in Peru is Moche thru and thru!...often thought it is mislabeled, that it is from Moche land...the kneeling pose, the stone weapon, the small shield, lots of ceramic warriors like that in Peru...well, connects are between the Mixtec and the Nasca, and the Nasca with the Moche...connects all over the Americas....the step fret triangle, or triangle fret, as Katheryn Devereaux calls it...she call it lots of names, and is all in on the connects between the pre-Columbian Americas, from Chile to the Four Corners in American Southwest...I tried to close read her wordpress blog, and got further along than I have before...Astros up...a double...runners on second and third...close reading finds things like the square with a dot, that represents a shiny metal plaque, these made into like a cuirass armor...the "shiny" bit I had just come across reading about pre-Columbian Panama and Columbia, the Golden Bridge between, that being the Darien Gap, the travail of refugees trying to reach United States...back then, it was a trade route, noted for gold ornaments...and reading about that, the author there notes the fascination with sparkly things...the Indian weren't gipped when they traded away Manhatten for a handfull of jewelry...they had never seen the like, and it sparkled- sunlight on water, on anything, an indication of the divine in Nature...for sometime the sparkly things, like Mica, Mercury...and Devereau notes the sparkly too, lightning like the penultimate...for sometime...Renfro with a double....two of fifth...Astros scored in the fourth...Grigritch up...the Golden Bridge for sometime...base hit...Astros 4-Angels 1...anyway, I can note just a few things on the Warrior, as the motifs are all like so different...the tattoo lines on the chin might be the fly pupae motif....the lines on chin are like a world wide bottom of fifth...flies emerging from a corpse revered as rebirth, or some the ancients come up with these metaphors, establish them, pass them down for generations, I dunno!...but it is something!...I tried to make something of the color, just red and white....there are some ceramics just red and white, for sometime...and the candy stripe eyes I've seen in Peru, Moche...but not on warriors, on Owls....noting that was an "aha!"...and it got better when I remembered Athena's Owl, which I looked up just before game time...and even bigger surprise...Athena's Owl is the "Little Owl", a species when I looked up, looks just like a burrowing owl, which I've seen in New Mexico, but is everywhere hereabout in Southwest, and even more better, I looked up "Inca Owl" and it is called "Little Owl" and IS the Burrowing Owl...go figure...the tell is the rays around the big pupils...Kimbel Museum has it the warrior's face is Tlaloc's, the rain god...just so, it often has the lines, or dangles, on the chin...but a wonder is if the eyes are Owl eyes...maybe "owl" is attribute of Tlaloc...brb...Ohtani up...Astros added more runs...a double!...Ohtani gets moved around, scores...Astros 7-Angels 2...there are lots of Moche owl ceramics, and a lot of them are red and keeping with the Mixtec warrior...the one from Fowler Museum has those shiny cuirass metal plates-common to many figures...along with the Lord Sipan sorta crown...older posts on about that...triangle steps...oh!...browsing I found that Pillar Mural scene, which is much like the Janus Mural Moche Scene in the news...I don't know if they are from same location!...for sometime...Archaeological magazine link a start!...anyway, I'm looking for a good kneeling Moche warrior...lots on pinterest and such...MONAH has three!...the Owl most popular with the Moche looks to be the barn owl, but I like to imagine the Little Owls, Burrowing, Pygmy, fascinated them as much as me!....Astros with more of ninth...Valesquez with a home run...Astros 9-Angels 3...the connect is the red white colors and the rayed candy stripe eyes...some of the Moche owls have candy stripes all over...but the motifs on the Mixtec warrior look unique...the warrior too!...Astros 11-Angels 3...



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