no pics today, slept in....sunny hot blue...at Lunch: perched on Ozone Boulder...Robin, Blue Jays, Violet Green Swallows, Song Sparrow, Pee-Wees, Sandpiper, Grosbeak, about....Acorns pic from yesterday, thought to check the Young Black Oaks along the Path to see if there will be Acorns this year....saw a few, but not very many....not many Mosquitoes either, and no Phoebe, or Pee-Wee, on Phoebe's, or Pee-Wee's, Willow!
Curio of the Night: In Defense of Twitter--
Stephen Fry on Twitter
It's a remarkable little clip, insomuch Fry is in talkabout with Greg Ferguson, in some venue other than the usual--first saw Fry on Bones, and was impressed.
I dont use twitter, but one may note the blog posts' text looks like a gathering of twitters....
And there are some ancient antecedents, haiku, and other short poems, were wildly popular in Old Japan, and the old englyns of Ireland and Wales, and I'm trying to recall the old Scythians' pith...what I remember was the Sythians and Persians in battle array facing one another, and a hare runs between, and the Sythians took chase--seeing this the Persians withdrew--"“These fellows have a hearty contempt for us,” Darius is reported to have muttered to an aide. Running low on food and morale, Darius eventually withdrew his army. "
wiki's take has it that, while the descendants of the Scythians are likely in Eastern Europe, some have thought the Scots, Welsh, and Irish are descendants...and their culture resembles that of the Indians of the Great Plains...
anyway, diverted to all this by looking up Robert Burns on youTube, and realizing all kinds of poetry clips are up...very cool!
oh, and the other day, I opened the Cabin door, with an armload of laundry, and hair a fright (so I'm told by my hiking friend on seeing my early morning forays from the Cabin) to face a phalanx of Asian tourists with cameras sighted--the Tree in the Door their common interest of course, not the denizen within! But I must say, I tend not to regard the visage in the mirror at this age, while I shave--but vanity dies hard in some: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcJXrfwUiS4 (Robert Graves grooming)
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