Sooty Grouse pic and clips from May Lake....paddled up to the Ridge at Sunset, and was happily taking pics of Cathedral, for sometime, and saw down the Slope off to the left aways, Sooty Grouse trotting across a bit of flat area in the Rock....left off with Sunset pics, and after reaching the area of Grouse last seen, Indian Walking about, peering into Crevices, and Little Caves, and standing up straight, scratching my head, 'where did Grouse go?"...the flat area was hemmed in by Rock.... then I saw movement aways up in the Branches of a Lodgepole....pics and clips...bookends to May Lake Grouse of two Summers back...and a favorite!....late now and tired, May lake report to be continued.....more Sooty Grouse here: http://yosemiteexplorer.com/photos/v/birds/sooty-grouse/
Ha! Me too. And Theresa too. We saw this one up by May Lake:
Oh... hmm did that go through. I ended up on the Google search screen.
Anyway, we saw a Sooty Grouse last week too!
I've heard them so many times, but this was only my second sighting and the first time I saw the vocal sack
I made the mistake of telling friend what kinda bird makes the sound before they saw one for themselves--it is really a mystery sound-- and even after seeing Grouse calling, it's still a wonder!
I remember the first time I heard the sound was on top of El Cap when it was still under snow. We looked and looked and couldn't find anything and it seemed to be coming from everywhere.
We thought it could be a frog or who knew what, but never guessed it was a grouse. It's such a common sound in Yosemite, but so hard to locate on. I must have heard the sound 50 times and to my knowledge have only seen two grouse!
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