Out and about early...paddled back to the Creek...Primrose along the Swath....Young Mallards at Creek's End...clip...Woods quiet....along the Merced, sighted Sandpiper Chics running in the Grasses...clip for sometime.....oh...Sanpiper perched in a Small Pine in the Diversion Channel....unusual clip, usually Sandpiper is on the Ground....continued out to Two Top Pine Meadow...Mama Doe by the Snag Willows, couldn't see Two Fawns...pic...Violet Green Swallows about...tried for pics....paddled through Bear Forest back to Last Chance for Breakfast....morning, day, and whole weekend, messed up by miss reading appointment time for teeth cleaning...thought it was Tuesday, which scratched a weekend in the Meadows, but it was Wednesday!...hmmph...had to tell dentist 'my bad', and think their miffed....this third time I've postponed, but appointments only roll around once each six months...I just cant anticipate that far ahead, though this time, 'my bad'....anyway...the whole thing put me in a funk, and after Breakfast, returned to the Cabin and snoozed, and watched tv, and snoozed, and tv...all day!...oh...another Whirlybird drama up on the Falls Wall...clips, which are kinda cool, for sometime...sunny impossible to walkabout hothot blue.....out and about in the evening, and at the Path behind the Rooms, sighted Tanager, and Grosbeak feeding Fledgling.....friend happened by with their gear, and we got some good pics and clips....Bandtail Pigeon calling overhead, but couldn't sight....picked up, and back out to Two Top...a bookend walk to the morning....sighted Antlered Buck, and Mama Doe...but no Fawns....back through Bear Forest, and when I was on the Path behind Ozone Beach, sighted tourists sighting their cameras...'Deer'...'Yeah, with Fawn'....'One Fawn?'...'Yes'...Oh!!, I thought, the Cabin Doe and Fawn, and circled around down to Beach, and got a good clip of Fawn frolicking thereabout, and walking with Mama Doe...for sometime....picked up, light too low now around eight thirty, and that's last chance time for dinner!...just in time for hot dog, chocolate sheet cake and milk!...oh...Subterranean Termite Ants were coming out of the Ground by a Pile of Brush beside the Path, which attracted Tanager, Grosbeaks, and Robin too...see clip...
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