On Monday, just before I found the Junco Nest, I sighted Brown Creeper on Lodgpole Pine Trunk...took one pic, then Mama Creeper landed, and I was able to get pic of feeding....Tuesday morning, after checking out, paddled along the Tuolumne to the Store, and just before reaching the Road Bridge, heard a Chic piping, and located Nest on Lodgepole right by the Road...pic and clip for sometime....think it's Robin Nest....picked up Breakfast at the Grill, and sat at the Picnic Tables that wobble and are all knarley, under the Lodgepoles, one of my favorite spots....friend working in the Grill reported on fishing at Ellery Lake...'brookies and brown'....picked up, and once again walked out Marmot Road...Marmot pics and clips...a looksee at the Soda Springs..pic...Springs are active, and a curio I've yet to get a good description for....went downstream a little bit, a little bit further than my favorite spot, and found a shady grassy spot near the Water, and skygazed, and dozed...more Tuesday report tomorrow....Today: peddled over to the Village...printer inks came, and Kodak print....arms full, so locked up the Bike and took the Shuttle back...a little time...picked up coffee cake and orange juice, and paddled back to the Creek at the Swath...Earth Digger busy across the Creek...bangitybang...beep beep beep...over and over...went out to Creek's End and sat on the Shore under the Dogwood, and got right back up...too many Mosquitoes....found a Stump back beside the Dirt Road, and sat...quiet...hmmph....sunny blueblue hot humid....at Lunch: out to Ozone Beach, and sat awhile on the Boulder..only one Raft came by, and no tourists about...Robins, Acorn, Sandpipers, Violet Greens, Phoebe on Phoebe's Willow, Blackbirds chasing Raven, Song Sparrow, the call I think is Pee-Wee, and Little Birds, about....oh...Three Male Blackbirds chasing Female Blackbird, sometimes all airborne, sometimes on the Flat...bug spray kept the Mosquitoes at bay....
Blog of the Day: Cooper's Island
and geezluiezzz.....Hanna has a Pileated Woodpecker on Letterman....brb....well...couldn't find it, but lots of other Hanna visits on youTube!
Over at Followers on the Mast, two new Followers, Lidia and Nature ID...thanks for stopping by!, and thanks for the collections of other sites to visit! (to see these, click on icons)...
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