Slept in....sunny hot blue, some afternoon clouds...at Lunch: Mole crossed the Path between the Rooms, then scurried back to the Grasses, to the amusement of the tourists....tried for pic, but no luck....perched for a short while on Ozone Boulder, and sighted Merganserslings Six...too far for pic on the opposite Merced Shore.....followed to the other side of the Willow, then back to the Cottonwood, and at the Fallen Cottonwood and Cedar, Mama Merganser caught Trout, and the Merganserlings went primal!....very cool....things quieted down, but now and then more commotions, and the Merganserlings like run across the Water...pics up...Robin, Pee-Wee, Acorn, Grosbeak, Sandpiper, calls or sighted, about...report of Mama Doe and One Fawn behind the Rooms, and Bear, 'cinnamon with yellow tag' at Creek's End...
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