After late Breakfast, paddled back to the Creek...flipflops on, and crossed over and sat awhile on a New Log delivered by High Water, then moved over to the RipRap above Duck Harbor, which is all filled in with the Fallen Black Oaks, and the debris from High Water caught in the Branches....just doesn't look the same, and I took so many clips and pics thereabout!....anyway, quiet, until I heard Two Ground Squirrels sounding the alarm up by the Twin Fallen Cedars...kept watch, hoped maybe Bobcat might show--report of Bobcat about last Friday...no luck, but Hawk showed!, swooping across the Creek into the Trees above the Giant Fallen Log...picked up, and flipflopped over, and just a glimpse of Hawk soaring off low through the Trees...dont know which Hawk, but report from Friday too of Redtail about...sunny hot blue...at Lunch: paddled over to Ozone Beach, and sat on the Shore, which is a kinda Cliff about three feet above the Merced...dangled my legs over...quiet...no rafts, no tourists... Pee-wee call, Sandpiper, Blue Jay, Grosbeak, about...and across the River, I sighted Merganserlings 7 or 8 with Mama Merganser...they fished along the shore, moving downstream as far as the Buoys, and then back....watched them the whole time, and some farfar away pics....time, and back to work...pics of Phoebe beside the Use Path....oh, Mallard about, and paddled over below my feet...pics....report of Mama Bear and Cub by El Conte Memorial....report of fatal Deer collision, (just Deer expired) during the evening exit commute out North Side....reporter was in one lane, the collision in the other, but it threw the Deer across their car's hood....report of recent Beaver chew marks on the Cottonwoods at Beaver Bend...need to paddle over there for looksee...
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