After early Breakfast, paddled over to Ozone Beach, quiet, oh, Phoebe on Phoebe's Willow, Sandpiper, Mallard about, and returned to the Cabin....Little Bird with Bugs beside the Path...pic up....and Bumblebee and Foxglove...pic....and I was doing the Laundry, emptying the dryer, and heard Ravens scolding...turned to look, and Raven Pair came along, calling, and perched in the Cedars overhead, and then Bobcat came along from the Parking Lot...just quick enough to get the new camera out of the Pouch and sighted....Bobcat padded right up to me, then went back of the Cabin, then behind a Car, then behind one of the Sheds...I followed, and circled around the Shed, and missed a pic of Bobcat hiding beside the Shed's Wall...Bobcat gave me an annoyed look, and trotted off into the heavy Grasses beside the Path....thought to follow, but had dropped my Keys at the Laundry Door....so had to leave off...retrieved the Keys...and tried to retrieve sighting Bobcat, but no luck, and the Ravens not helping...veryvery cool though to see Bobcat closeup in the Backyard!....finished the Laundry, and snoozed until work...sunnyblueblue hot, light breeze....at Lunch: sat awhile at Ozone, and fought Mosquitoes...I've been bitten so often, that I must have a little immunity...I'm not getting very big welts, and the itching goes pretty much away after an hour or so...sat at the Ponderosa Roots awhile, but had to retreat from there too, and walked out to Two Top Pine Meadow....Junco calling...pic...Robin Sandpiper, Brown Creeper, Blackbird, Violet Green Swallow, about....dont know where the Deer have gone...and I wonder if Bobcat has spooked the Deer....
animal experience!!!! how cool is that!?! what a handsome bobcat. great photos - thanks for sharing.
This is amazing! I love the look on its face.
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