Out and about early....little bit cooler, and at Ozone Beach, the Mosquitoes a little bit less...Young Buck by the Path...pic...Ten....Eleven! Mallardlings paddled behind Mama Mallard from the Diversion Channel out to the Merced....clips...continued to Two Top Pine Meadow, and at Swinging Bridge took some scenics...and sighted Raven walking on the Bridge...pic and clip.....paddled out to the Broken Cottonwood...Black Phoebe, Sandpipers, Violet Green Swallows, Downy Woodpecker, Mallard family, Hummingbird, Flicker, Song Sparrows, Redwings, Brewers Blackbirds, about...studied Rocky Point, and the whole Meadow with the binocs, looking for Falcon, but quiet...returned to Last Chance for Breakfast, and the Cabin for remaining 'split shift' sleep until work time...sunny blueblue warm, light breeze...at Lunch: Buck with full Antlers beside the Path going out between the Rooms...pic....sat awhile...took note that I could cross the Diversion Channel...Merced down enough....and paddled out past the Fallen Cedar where I sighted the Eleven Mallardlings doing bottoms ups....pics...report of Pileated Woodpecker near the upper reach of Four Mile Trail...
beautiful pictures of the swinging bridge. nice to see it with out the hoardes of tourons. so the river is finally going down a bit. great pictures of the deer. sounds like you had a great time.
Sounds of life...morning in a valley...lovely. Hope you take to the day yourself, like a duck to water.
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