After Breakfast, Shuttled over to the Village, checked mail, bought a new belt, and paddled back through Bobcat Meadow....sat awhile at the Woodpecker Tree...Acorns about...continued to Creek's End...sat awhile under the Leaning Cedars...quiet...Two Pairs of Ravens about...back at the Cabin, White Headed Woodpecker about in the Backyard Cedars....remaining time spent moving the desktop computer...left over shelving made a great computer table...and now the drawing table is freed up for drawing!....broken clouds humid hot...at Lunch: when I reached Ozone Beach, Mama Doe and One Fawn by the Diversion Channel...and not the same Doe and Fawn of yesterday..pic and clip...newer camera is working out for clips...I can leave the 20x behind...but to do clips, I have to use 'live view'' and hold the camera out and up, instead of next to my cheek--makes for shaky clips!--might begin taking the monopod along at Lunch...if I can relocate it!....sat awhile at the Fallen Cedar....quiet, but in the distance out across the Merced and across Coop's Meadow, I could hear Hawk, Cedar, calling, maybe for ten minutes, now and then, as Redshoulders do....stood to looksee, and saw another Mama Doe and One Fawn crossing at Cottonwood Bend...while doing clip, sighted Second Fawn...now...this may be the Doe and Two Fawns I sighted in the morning aways back out in Two Top Pine Meadow....and the Doe and One Fawn at the Diversion Channel I think is the Doe that gave birth behind the Cabin...and the Doe and Fawn I saw yesterday, I think is the Last Chance Doe and Fawn....I think!...Four Fawns all together....Cedar's call is heard on the clip...
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