After Breakfast, Shuttled over to the Village to check for mail...thereabout, sighted my Tuolumne friend waiting on the Bus Stop Bench....talked awhile. catching up on Critter Stories...."Did you go to Louisiana?"....''no, but got a car..."...."good for you"....and shared my Critter clips....friend was on way to Sunnyside, and I tagged along that far, and continued out to El Cap....talkabout with driver about Olympics in Canada, where they worked, and another talkabout with tourist who was from Louisiana..."whatabout the oil spill?"....oh, I got an ear full, much of it in keeping with post ups hereabout....as it happened, tourist and wife work in the oil industry-engineers....oh....these talkabouts were on ride back from El Cap...at El Cap, rescue in progress--climber broke their leg in a fall....clips of Helicopter taking up the rescue climber with litter....quite a scene in the Meadow...two Helicopters at the ready, and half a dozen emergency vehicles---small or big, all the gear comes to rescues, kinda like fireman, whether it's a cat, or five alarm!....back at the Village from El Cap diversion, I did pick up mail, and paddled back along the Road to the Cabin, and back to the Creek...quiet...Two Bucks back at the Village...pics...had lunch at Last Chance, returned to the Cabin, and took a long nap!....out again for an evening walk from the Fallen Cedar to a sitawhile at Owl Log...quiet...Two Ouzels, Two Mallards, One Phoebe, Raven, Song Sparrows at the Fallen Cedar, about...Light gone from Half Dome, I picked up, and on reaching the Cedars close by, startled One Fawn, alone...One Fawn pronged out to the Gravel Shore...pic, too dark.....One Fawn trying to see me in the Low Light too!
now, last Wednesday: thought was to see Sea Otters...and the Ocean...haven't seen the Ocean for awhile...only seen Otters in Marine Land...hopped in Silver, loaded with gear, and a tent and sleeping bag too, and made a first looksee stop at the San Luis Rey Reservoir....learned there where on the Coast to see Birds..."Moss Landing"....thereabout a Low Bridge goes over part of a Small Bay behind the Beach Dunes, and to a Dirt Road that goes a short way between the Dunes and Bay...crossing the Bridge, I looked with binocs at Swimming Critter I thought must be Seal, though kinda different looking...I reached the end of the Road, parked by the Picnic Bench, and paddled over the Dunes to see the Ocean, and walked down to the Surf....Pelicans and Seagulls about...pics....returned back to the Bay to see Birds, and was surprised as could be to see a Raft of Sea Otters!....it was Sea Otter I saw from the Bridge!.....thought had been to look for Otters in Monterey, at Fisherman's Wharf...whole trip diverted!....tourists said Hotels just down the Coast a little way, and after reluctantly leaving viewing the Otters--it was getting late--I found a Hotel in Marina...there's a Beach Side enclave thereabout of Hotels, and the rate in the one I stayed at no worse than Mariposa....settled in, and paddled over the Dunes to the Ocean for Sunset...pic posted last night....more Seagulls and Pelicans about....thoughts all through Dinner at Restaurant were of Otters, and wishing I had one of the new hd video dslrs..."Is there a Best Buy nearby?".....there was, and it was still open...money I'd saved up for car included camera gear...and I purchased the new camera...hence, the 'newer camera'!!....tomorrow, pics and clips from the newer camera!....reports at the Little Bay were of as many as Thirty Eight Otters!...I crossed my fingers that Otters would be about in the Bay next morning!!...Birds to see too!....Day Two tomorrow...link to Otter story
Wish I'd known you were "out west" I would have been glad to take you out for coffee. You got good shots of the otters...aren't they great creatures. They come in the coves where we live.
Now this week I am going east...but I will be south of Yosemite. Always enjoy your nature shots. Thank you.
Thanks, Jeannette, next time I'll give a heads up, and anytime you are hereabout, stop by and visit!
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