After Breakfast, Shuttled over to the Village, mail and shopping, and hopped off at Lower Falls on Shuttle back....thought to go out Lodgpole Point, but when I neared Chapel Bridge, sighted Hawk on the wing flying toward the Cottonwood Grove...trotted over the Bridge, one more glimpse of Hawk flying, and followed past the Twin Ponderosas.... looked and looked at the Boardwalk Cottonwoods...but no luck...went around Cottonwood Bend and down to the Merced's Shore, and sat on the Gravel, and sky gazed...open view hereabout up to Half Stump and Half Dome beyond.......quiet awhile, but heard Hawk's Call back the way I came...guessed Hawk might be in the Woods, so took off my Boots and waded across the River..ouchouchouch...Feet are real wimps without Boots....anyway...reshod, and was just coming out on the River by Blue Heron Point, and Little Bear was just ahead, near Owl Log, eating Grass in the Sunshine...I just kneeled on one knee, and took pics to my heart's content!....knee was getting sore, so just sat down, and even scooted over the Gravel to some shade...then about, Bear ambled over my way...debated over pics or clip, and chose clip....Bear walked past up the Diversion Channel...I sat a bit, then followed, and sighted Bear at the Shingle Islands...Deer, Bucks, Does, and Fawn, were thereabout, I'd seen them earlier from the Boardwalk, and lots of tourist...Deer got wind of Bear, and ran about, and pronged--One Fawn came my way and crossed the River..pics...Bear made one pounce through the Brush, and startled all the tourist that were sighting the Deer...some commotion....I wasn't in good position, and didnt have the long lens of the 20x for clip....Deer quieted down, and Bear looked to be gone out into Chapel Meadow, but Bear came back to the Island, and then swam over to the Bank below the Boardwalk...pics...from there I dont know where Bear went, but I'm sure Bear drew the holiday crowd!...for me, time, and back to the Cabin to get ready for work....Hawk sounds very much like Cedar...hope to sight tomorrow or next day...and report Bear back at the Creek 'resting on an old log' most mornings, so maybe see Bear again too while looking for Hawk!...sunny hot blue...no lunch walk...talkabout with visiting friends, and some Bear show and tell!
Link of the Day: Red Fox, thought to be extinct, sighted in north portion of Park:
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