Most of the Day taken up with house work--setting up the shelves, and shuffling the dishevelment!....hmmph...out to Creek's End at Last Light....Phoebe pics (didn't take pic when I took the clips the other evening)...moved up river....Ouzel clip..picked up and crossed over Chapel Bridge...Antlered Buck in the Meadow...Mama Doe and One Fawn sighted by tourists beside the Path across from the Apple Tree, which still has a few Apples...Bear plop thereabout.....paddled across the Meadow to opposite Creek's End, and back up river...sat awhile on a Sandy Spot...High Water took away all the Sit Awhile Logs...Song Sparrows on far shore...clip...began to pick up, light almost gone, and heard like a rush of water...the Mergansers(Three) were furiously swimming through a Shallow...then cruised by...really wish I could have gotten pic...the light very cool...but not enough light!...pics all blurred...picked up, and on turning about, sighted Mama Doe and One Fawn...clip...but too dark..but still kinda neat...brb...
Lion and Fox pics form visit to Applegate Zoo....sunny blue hot....oh...Mergansers Preening from last evening...and Two Two Point Bucks by the Creek sighted from Shuttle on errand trip in the Morning to Village...
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