Shuttled over to the Village to check mail...took snack, late Breakfast, along--orange juice and muffin....on way back, hopped off at Lower Falls, and paddled over to the Deer House to sit awhile at the Picnic Benches, which have reappeared....sighted Praying Mantis...pics...and Little Bird in the Azaleas, but messed up exposure.....a quiet sit awhile....sunny hot blue...at Lunch: sat awhile at the Fallen Cedar...quiet...Song Sparrow, Flicker call, Raven, Mallard flyover, and Antlered Buck taking a drink from the Merced, and crossing at Cottonwood Bend....pics of Mantis and Buck for sometime...
trip report: Friday morning I went back to Moss Landing to see the Otters...and walked back along the Dirt Road from the Picnic Bench to sight the Birds...Bird pics together for sometime....left off, and much debated about where to go...North to Marin to see Hawk Migration...South to Pinnacles to see Condors...but mostly felt homesick for the Valley....thought to eat first, and remembered some restaurants on the Harbor Road...thereabout, sighted Otter sleeping near a Sailboat Dock...parked Silver at the Snack Shack...think that was it--next to the Whole Enchilada...I think..anyway, grabbed the gear, and crossed the Road to the Docks, and had a splendid time taking Otter pics....local visited, and reported Otter lives thereabout pretty much, and comes up on the Docks to sun and sleep...'much bigger looking out of the water!'.....left off, and had a calamari sandwich at the Shack...very good, but not sure what it is...some kinda fish....the day before, I tried to find Elkhorn Slough Wildlife Refuge, with no luck, but thought to try again after lunch....tomorrow, Elkhorn Slough, and some of the Morning Birds at Moss Landing...
I'm glad you made it to our part of CA. It's always fun to see local life through the eyes of someone from elsewhere. Looking forward to your Elkhorn Slough pics - it's one of my favorite places to hike.
I didn't have time to explore Elkhorn Slough as much as I wanted to, and intend to make plans for return, and rent a kayak at Moss Landing--learned one can paddled from there to the Slough!
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