Morning taken up with errands, back and forth to the Village, once by Shuttle, once on foot through Bobcat Meadow and the Creek...so preoccupied with the errands, didn't note much!.....sunny warm blue and breezy....at Lunch: sat awhile at the Fallen Cedar...Mama Doe and One Fawn upriver by Cottonwood Bend...pic and clip...Robin, Song Sparrow, Acorns, Raven, Blue Jay, Ouzel, Blackbirds, about....
trip report, Thursday afternoon: After visiting the Aquarium, I made the turn to the 17 Mile Drive...didn't expect the Toll Booth, and was in traffic, and so trapped..Ten Bucks!...hmmph....and I managed to get lost, and popped out back where I started, so didnt see the whole Drive...but did pull over at the Lone Cedar...pic...and thereabout to the right, sighted Turkey Vulture out in the Kelp perched on a Seal Carcass....pics and clips...one clip caught briefly a Second Vulture...missed when both were on the Seal...friend who drives Tour Bus was in same place, and saw same Seal, two weeks ago!...'to the right?'...yes, in the kelp'....
Point Lobos report tomorrow...and I need to fit in the trip to Merced Wildlife Refuge, which was just yesterday...there's a backlog, and things are going to get out of order....all for sometime!
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