Yesterday's Rideabout was more fatiguing then an overnight Hikeabout, and so, slept in....late Breakfast snack at Last Chance, croissant and fruit cup, and while waiting for a return phone call (alarm installation appointment for Silver), paddled back to the Creek....Mama Doe was resting on the Beach by the Great Turf...pics...clip when Doe stood up and browsed here and there on the way out towards Owl Log...tourists came about, and I paddled back to the Cabin...and Mama Doe and One Fawn were thereabout...I'm not sure how Doe and Fawn got there before I did, and thought I'd seen two different Does, but later in the afternoon, after late Lunch in the Village, I paddled back to the Creek again, and Mama Doe and One Fawn were then on the Beach by the Great Turf together...pic and clip up....Mallard came by, and went right to the very end of the Creek, preened, and snoozed standing on one leg..pic...made the Inside Loop...quiet...missed a Last Light Walkabout...time taken up daydreaming over a map of California!...and debating trying out the New Backpack and hopping on the Hiker's Bus tomorrow!
Blog of the Day: I mentioned this blog last evening, (Bobcat Report), and happened on it again tonight doing a 'california hawk' search...oh!...it's time for the raptor migration at Hawk Hill, though the Hill itself is undergoing road repairs....
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