Out and about early, with all the gear....paddled back to Creek's End....Kingfisher about, Mallards, Ouzel, Blue Jay, too...followed Kingfisher downstream to Half Stump about, and heard Hawk just over a bit in the Woods...tried to get close, Hawk's Call taking me Tree to Tree...but no luck...and disappointment, today being Hawk Day after all!....but I happened on Mama Doe and One Fawn in the Woods, and Buck too...Kingfisher moved to Ozone Beach, and once there, I glimpsed Kingfisher on the Wing, headed for Swinging Bridge...when I got there, Kingfisher was headed for Beaver Bend...thought was to go to Siberia for Breakfast, so I diverted, and made the Outside Loop...Kingfisher for another time...quiet...Buck browsing...one more call from Hawk in the Woods, where I had been...so,.diverted again after crossing Chapel Bridge(Ouzel pic), and crossed the Creek behind the Deer House....but no more calls....at the Cabin, checked time--ten minutes to the Hiker's Bus leaving....hadn't thought to go to the Meadows today, but...diverted, and hopped on the Bus....and glad to arrive at the Meadows and the Grill, and have Breakfast!....a long morning!....paddled out to the Little Lodgepole Island where I like to sitabout.... skygazed awhile, my head resting on one camera bag, and, fell asleep...I must have slept almost an hour, and I lost time!....Meadows very quiet....Magnificent Blue, perfect for Hawk, but breezy and cool....just some Nutcrackers about calling, and one White Crowned Sparrow sighted as I walked along Lodgepole Lane to the Visitor Center...bought a T shirt, and checked to see if campsites are available--I'm on vacation for two weeks!, and thought is to get a campsite and do day hikes, like Dana Plateau....would really like to figure out how to get to Mono Lake....some weather coming in, so this effort for maybe next week....anyway, paddled back the way I came....sat awhile at the Culvert on Lodgpole Lane, but then had to hurry along to get back to the Store and the Bus....took one quick pic of Unicorn and Cathedral, only pic I took!....very unusual Meadow afternoon, but very much the way I like to see the Meadows--cool and breezy and magnificent blue....from the Bus, on the return jog from White Wolf, glimpsed Hawk through the Big Window over the Bus...twitched to follow, but trapped!....back in the Valley, taco plate in Siberia, and Shuttled to Lower Falls, hopped off, and paddled to Creek's End, and sat under the Leaning Cedars....quietquiet, and sat a long while....finally picked up, and just as I leaned over to go around the Cedars, sighted Mama Doe and One Fawn...very cool...Mama Doe was sighting Buck in the distance by Half Stump...see pics and clip!....have more clips....tourist family was across the River by the Cottonwoods, and Mama Doe and One Fawn crossed the River and walked right up to the family.....I took a seat on Owl Log, and sat a long while, all the way until Last Light left Half Dome, and Crickets Cricketing....while there, lots of clips of Phoebe, for sometime soon...Ouzel Pair, One Bat, Mallards, Robins, Mountain Chickadee, Sandpiper, Kingfisher, maybe Merganser flyby, Song Sparrow, and Little Bird, about...a long day....heard Hawk, likely Cedar, and glimpsed Hawk, but today's luck was to see Mama Doe and One Fawn at Creek's End!
Blog of the Day: http://snailseyeview.blogspot.com/
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