Thursday, August 23, 2007

Deer Drinking From Creek

I've been getting more pics than I can post, if I keep to one a day. When I walk through the grasses I can hear movement, and I finally got one of the mouse, or mole, or gopher, or...but just a brown fur ball and an eye!! And then at the peninsula, where the creek goes into the Merced on the Superintendent's House side, where by the way, the Sec. of Interior was said to be visiting today, I took some study pics of the Lodge Pole Pine there. And then I went to the other side I started to climb the small bank and I saw a nose in the foliage. Last nose I saw I thought was a deer, but it turned out to be Berry Bear...this time I thought it was bear but it was this deer. She didn't see me, and I got very cool video close up. Then I walked over to the Twin Fallen Trees, and on the way got a video and pic of the little bird that bobs it's bottom, and another little one in the Western Azaleas, and at the trees a group shot of three Blue Jays and a Robin. I'll save these, and others, for days I dont get out!..or I'm off somewhere.

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