Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Views from the Perch

I gulp air like a goldfish...and walk slow as a tree sloth...but I manage to get there!...first uphill hike of 2008...and I wanted to get a pic of the Creek before the leaves come back to the trees and the meadow grasses grow...the even cloudy day light helps too...it rained a bit on the way down...and I had to negotiate some snow tongues over the trail...was really hungry as I didn't eat much all day yesterday or this morning!...after dinner I walked about Cook's and then sat by one of the Ponds to wait for the frogs...I'm never going to get their pic!...they're always under the hummocks...their singing is like the big spaceship in Close Encounters....first one...then two..and three...then they all chime in...and then fade out back to one or two!...and then in the distance other Ponds start up...a few bats about...cloudy in the afternoon but not cold...long two days!
addenda: C.C. Pierce pic from USC Digital Library....and the two views look to be identical...next time try to find the Rock....at it's base in the old pic is Creek's End...I've looked and looked for this pic...I dont know what year...the Apple Orchard where Lower Falls stop is can be seen...and Hutching's Cut...Cook's Meadow reaches the East side of the Creek...but it almost does now too...so not that much is changed...I'll have to acquire a copy print...Pierce will have used a view camera so the detail might be very good!!

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