Friday, August 22, 2008

The Black Pipe

Well...I might call it the lead pipe...the spotting scope is heavy!...and I'm so used to the 12x...which is a feather in comparison...I hauled out to the Creek with the Pipe on the tripod...and promptly took it off and lay it on the path when Doe and One Fawn showed a great set of clips...for sometime!....after they went into the trees I thought to just remain sitting where I was and figure out how to make the Pipe work....buttons on the 3x are a little different...and it's tricky to adjust it on the little bracket platform....but I got it to sorta work so picked up to see if I could catch up with Doe and One Fawn...they hadn't gone far and Doe was down and resting....and patient! it took me awhile just to aim the's too heavy for the tripod...this kinda weight needs one of those sling tripods...but I got it aimed and started the video...and I immediately grew fond of it...blurry and lens flared as it is!....I took some pics just to show how it all looks set up...and I kinda like the pic with the pipes! never know...I'll fiddle with it some more tomorrow!....sunny warm blue a little's cooling off...the South Wall shadow is creeping over...

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