Sunday, August 3, 2008

Two Mergansers

It was Bridge to Bridge to Bridge!...I was sitting by the Merced just a bit downstream from Sentinel Bridge...and glimpsed these two Mergansers headed my way...once they passed I jumped ahead to Chapel Bridge...stumbled out under it on the riprap....then to Lodgepole Point where I just waded out into the Merced and waited...they passed again and I watched to see if they'd go up the Creek...but no...they kept going! I jumped ahead all the way to where the clip is from....taken from midstream there too!...soaked boots and pant legs!....and then to Ozone Beach...and then to where I dropped the teleconverter...and then...all the way to Swinging Bridge...and somehow one was already must have flew! a clumsy clip...and then set up under the Bridge to wait for the second one...and waited...and time was I picked up...but walking along back I thought.... 'I bet Merganser hauled out on a log and is napping'...and sure enough!....spent lots of time trying to get pic...and then a clip of Merganser leaving the log...and of course...back to Swinging Bridge!....set up under!...and waited...and this time Merganser obliged...and came by...

I say 'came by' and 'passed'...but it doesn't describe them!...they were really animated....diving...and 'snorkeling'....the clips are a marvel!...I tried to thread some of them together....but after work I'm tired...and want to rest to go to Tuolumne tomorrow! I post the prettiest clip...but not the most...characteristic....the clips together will be longer than Two Top Pine Deer....but just as neat!

It was desert like hot with a can be seen in the clip...just a beautiful day. The Mergansers are young ones...and dont quite have the full top knots!!

Oh...I was out of breath...I had to jog...they were moving that fast!

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