Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Acorn Woodpeckers

Took the Shuttle over to the Post Office....walked back....had along just the 12x....too much snow to walk easy, except on the paths that the Bobcat Snowplows have cleared....they're very good about this...but the snow's been falling too much to keep up...so I kept to the cleared path through the Oak Grove...back at the Cabin, I thought to curl up...it was early...but took a deep breath and geared up...it's cold out!...and a slog to walkabout!....but I made the Big Loop counterclockwise...the Path along the Chapel Road was snow filled...enough previous walker tracks to sorta make it negotiable...but it was a slog!...finally made it to the Woodpecker Tree, cleared off snow from the little fence, and sat awhile...heard Hawk on my right, and then way over by the Deer House...too close in time to be one, so two were about!...Acorn Woodpeckers were on the Tree, and I set up the minidigi....took a lot of clips...the ones here just a few....I'm starting to get the hang of how to use the contraption...biggest innovation has been not to zoom in until I find the critter....and a constant problem is the tripod doesn't lock in place positively, the weight makes it slip past were I set it...everything works though, and it' a lot of fun to get the close up pics and clips...in the other clips the Woodpeckers pick out some grubs with their tongues...termite larva maybe....and the pecking might have this as a purpose...finding the grubs...I thought they were just making holes to put acorns in!....reports of Bears over in Siberia and Beneath the Arches...and an old Bobcat report...a rock climber bouldering was surprised to be sharing the boulders top with Bobcat!....last Bobcat report I know of was mid November...and that in a web report!...broken up clouds passing through...sometimes a snow flurry...and a little sunlight...and cold!...for California...

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