Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Open To Interpretation


Notes: Game on...on the top of second...or maybe bottom...Angels just made out...oh, they went north to play the Giants some more...I think...yep...Giants up, bottom of second...this morning my youtube browses began looking for updates of Millie's Tale...and, and nothing much...searched about, dropped some comments...these not in chronological order...


tis so...what the Fourth estate, 4th, was like in 1776 too...even more so, then was like now with regard to the Fifth estate...5th...vloggers bloggers...that's hereabout!...Bergy tagged Wikistrat as Wikileaks, hooked up with Generals Hayden, Jones, and the casts of Crowdstrike, Clearforce, Psy Group, Dynology, Cambridge Analytica, Atlantic Council, and more, like Dyncorp, USAID-OTI...the later, my takes awhile to gather in the "more" on casts...I imagine Broadway with its popular plays/celebrities...for a few days now Millie's Tale on off Broadway, or some such...anyway, wikistrat I keep happening on, but hadn't dove into it...from wiki I gather that wikistrat dreams up a "prompt", some politically  crucial subject, and sends out invites for contributers to roundtable like workups of the prompt...contributers can contribute as much or as little as they want, and, and they get paid by wikistrat!...😃...must be....well...what would this resemble?...troll farms...a troll farmer plants a list daily of vlogs for trolls to plant comments at, and trolls take off at their own discretion to vlogs they chose, and drop comments, and, and they get paid!...go figure...


FOX news comment sections are an IIA smorgasboard-Patrick Bergy



 Lawyers in Cars

Y'know, like Seinfeld coffee rollabouts, and that late night talk show host-be like throwing two cats in a gunny sack!...first part of this following posted to the other lawyer site, up to "more"...


Watch "Millie Weaver SECRET Indictment - Lawyer Explains - Viva Frei Vlawg" on YouTube


There's like a Thermocline between the Fourth Estate, MSM, and the Fifth Estate, the "outliers"...vloggers bloggers and comment posters...see wiki...anyway, today in either 5th, or 4th, nothing new on Millie's plight, least that I can find yet-"day isnt over"...the trial date set for November 2, day before election it's noted and, and Millie and cast are under court order not to talk about matters...mission accomplished by ?...I imagined the gag order includes mention of Shadownet...whole thing seems it is what it is-namely Shadownet!...a couple syndicated home town news outlets have the tale, up to yesterday...both same...havent checked their affiliates...


Investigative Journalist 'Millennial' Millie Weaver Released from Ohio Jail, November Trial Set - Tennessee Star


there the story stands?...the 5th so quiet today...😑...more:

The Ohio Star - Media Bias/Fact Check

Founded in 2017, The Ohio Star is web only news source serving Ohio. This source does not have an about page and their domain registration is redacted for privacy. According to their contact page the CEO & Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy.

Funded by / Ownership

The website does not disclose who the owner is, but they do list the CEO as Michael Patrick Leahy. The Ohio Star is funded through online advertising.

Hiding in Plain Sight: PAC-Connected Activists Set Up ‘Local News’ Outlets

Star News Digital Media, Inc. may look like a media company that produces local news, but a Snopes investigation reveals deep, undisclosed connections to political activism.

After some prodding by Politico in early 2018, the Tennessee Star revealed its primary architects to be three Tea Party-connected conservative activists: Michael Patrick Leahy, Steve Gill, and Christina Botteri.

#ShadowGate gets shadowbanned? YouTube, Twitter suppress documentary on US ‘Deep State’ as InfoWars reporter behind it arrested — RT USA News

YouTube has pulled a controversial investigation by Millie Weaver from its platform, days after the InfoWars correspondent was arrested as she tried to screen the video report. The video has also been censored on Twitter.

... ... ...

The development happened as Weaver’s “Shadow Gate” investigative documentary exposing the “Deep State” operations of the US intelligence community based on the reports of two intelligence whistleblowers was about to premier online. The whole documentary is now available on YouTube, and it was also shared on Twitter by the now-suspended “Tore_Says” account, according to Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies. It’s not immediately clear whether it was Weaver who managed to release the film prior to her arrest in the end, or it was published by other users.



The story made it briefly to FOX, the only MSM 4th!😃...Star Digital is 5th masquerading as 4th...but wait, what are Russian RT and Sputnik?...both with Tale...I dunno...collusion?...Millie's Tale to be continued...



Watch "A REAL Whistleblower's Journey with Special Guest Patrick Bergy" on YouTube

26:25  is this the "wallet"?

 Maxine Waters Obamas election research-Obama's data base for electioneering...

27:25 orkut  zunzuneo? 3eDC INDIEGOGO shadownet american awakening

41:35  wikistrat I think is wikileaks-Bergy  psy group clear force jones hayden eyepsy? The Hamer

54:10 Wikistrat duping wikileaks

Project Butterfly Smith Mundt act



Watch "A Causality of My War." on YouTube

Watch "Change of Plans" on YouTube

Comment section is an iia smorgasboard 23:00


Mille's Quote

Conservatives are being descriminated against because of their political affiliations.-Millie Weaver


Three Lawyers

Watch "Three Lawyers talk about the Millie Weaver Indictment and other stuff." on YouTube


Millie Fired

Watch "C.C.P. NEWS - MILLIE  WEAVER TERMINATED - Aug 19, 2020 Episode" on YouTube



Notes: Fletcher up...first volg I saw this morning was Bergy's, much forlorn, at a roadstop on his motorcycle journey to Washington DC...he was apologizing to a vloger for a misspoken tweet...hard to watch, and I left off to other Confederacy vlogs...I've come to the thought that there isn't any comparable Yankee volggers...oh, maybe Convo Couch...havent visited in long while...big vlogs like TYT, InfoWars, Glen Beck, dont count...vlogs I consider are the small ones...the big ones verge on being MSM...I'll go take a look at Convo...some score, bottom of thitd...brb...and then go over the above comments...bk...Giants 3-0...a favorite old book: My War With The an American reporter, radio?, in Old Shanghai during the Japanese invasion, August, 1937...Bergy a romantic!...but Casualty of My War, apt....he's refering to Chanel Rion, an OAN reporter, who he has had some kind of contact with-dustup?...a curio, as OAN reporters on Trump's favorites list at Pressers...the source of Bergy's Smorgasboard remark in that last link...Giants 5-3?...Angels up...Castro batting...need to break to feed Maya my dog, and get of Sixth...Bergy "threw the spear"...Robert Graves' version of Subien Gehlt, Mad Sweeny, a character in Irish/Welsh legend, is that Subien tossed his spear at one of his own commanders, a Druid negotiating with the other side, suspecting the Druid of treachery...on a small scale now one sees protesters spear throwing at the mandate to wear a mask, or, respect for police...the usual consequence of spearthrowing is one loses ones job...and will be hounded to the extent the offended authority can hound!...there must be a good movie example of this...maybe movieConspiracy Theory...spear throwing not recommended...Angels get a run...Giants, soh, Smorgasboard comments are about Shadownet, now called Shadowgate too, as in Watergate...and odd: new versions of the old computer game Shadowgate being advertized...the name is spot refers to the web...a no brainer...gate as it turns out apt, too, as Shadownet like a gateway guardian of the web, and the guardians are the "Shadows"...Albert with a hit...Giants 5-2...Shadows, these shadows, are the SYSOPS...system operators...every vlogger is a sysop, often with a crew of "wrenches" that help with chat...bases loaded...Upton up...down...he's like 3 for 60...but behind every vlog is the platform's Shadows and Hammers...many a vlogger has tossed spears at Shadows calling out "treachery" at being demonitized, deleted, exiled...Subien famous for his exile, the consequence of his toss...sometimes, exile is deserving...see movieHoosiers...and the tale becomes one of redemption...Adam's and Eve's tale, all over an apple, quince, bottom of sixth...Giants 5-2...Lawyers in Cars...this comment posted to the "other" lawyer, then to Farmer Jones...Thermocline a reply to comment noting history of journalists being bought...Wallet...I found an example of what a "wallet" might look like in Bergy's's just a data entry form, but just as sysops are nested, vlogger to platform sysop (automated) to Shadow, reals sysops/managers; wallets are nested, most all levels automated, though at some level a reals Shadow can apply a wrenching/hammering...demonitized exiled...this happening in China...journalist who cross the goverment, spear toss, experience increasing harassement, until they just dissappear-, soh, the upshot is we are all "Shadowed" game Shadowgate one carried a torch going through a dungeon, and it had a time limit to stay could be re-newed with torches along the way, but that was problematic...if it went out, one was sent back to the beginning, all your progress deleted...beginning over, one's progress was easier as far as one had gone, just...further one gets, more difficult solving clues and keeping the torch alight becomes! a way, the trial and error efforts became your "wallet"...very much a paycheck to paycheck game...Giants to back with game wrap...bk...on que, found Three Lawyers going on about Millie's arrest...and Millie fired from being an InfoWars mutual agreement?...she was "contract" reporter...details to come!...tomorrowmorrow...Giants 7-2...



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