Monday, October 5, 2020


Open To Interpretation


Blade five

Tower Fifteen, Huntington State Beach, Hwy. 39 entrance

Notes: out and back to Hwy. 39 entrance...bit early for the sunset pic, so peddled the bike over to the Pier...root beer float...returned and sat awhile in Sliver, my Jeep, listening to Yankees and Rays on the radio...did the ink sketch...parade of folk on the cement walkway...the reaches south to the Santa Ana River Jetties, and thereabout, one can pick up the Newport Beach sidewalk, which is almost continuous to The Wedge...this to say, walkers and bicyclers have their own path, though the proliferation of electric bikes and skateboards is messing with has to look both ways when crossing the Promenade! far north it goes, I'm not sure...Seal Beach?...and from there a secluded route for walkers and bicycles as far as Long Beach?...for sometime, when my peddling muscles are up to it, an exploration!...looked for surfboards stacked at the rental places about the Pier, but no luck, no improvement on the reference for Blades, a pic of a surf rental shack in Ecuador on google images!...don't know if it was an 82 or 28 birthday the balloons were celebrating...



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