Sunday, October 4, 2020


Open To Interpretation


four Radio

Huntington State Beach, South end-jetty

Notes: out and back to the Magnolia Entrance...line backed up into Hwy. One...still crowded at beaches, though kinda overcast today...rolled through the lots to the South End where the jetties are, the Santa Ana, Cement River confluence...walking out, sighted the sailboat...anticipated it reaching the Sun's track, and, and a knockdown pic!...I didn't use the photo for reference doing the ink, just memory...showed the drawing..."Oh, you saw the boat!"...sorta, it's gone now..."oh, we'll go get it back!"... :) ...lucky I took the pic...really neat looking sailboat...did some thumbnails...tried for some more 'in the sunset spotlight" photos, surfer, and a sanderling, I think...Radio has import I could explain if I was in my ancient motifs mode!...or art curator mode...had just viewed youtube vlog about Van Gogh self portrait, an on and on about why he cut his ear off...pic full of 'Easter eggs'- that a word?....brb...emblematic is...I trimmed the big Blick paper into 17x17 inch squares to fit on my medium sized drawing board, which is like 18x18...wondering if the board fits between my bicycle frame...brb...not would reach atop the top cross bar to clear the bottom from the chain gear, which would make things problematic if I slid off the seat!...but a thought...somehow the surfers carry their boards on the side of their bikes, small surfers, small boards...thought in this is the drawing board is my surfboard, skimboard, and I'll bicycle to the beach!...Sun lost to sight when it reached the horizon line...the horizon line is a particularly strong emblem, motif...lots of bluff paintings with horizon lines...oh!...Vincent van Gogh had the same thing for empty chairs that I've noted about empty benches, and picnic tables!



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