Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Open To Interpretation

#inktober thirteen


Balboa Sunset Photogs

Notes: out and back to Balboa Pier...sat on the Pier, the Sunset Spot, in the Green Folding Chair...photog expert on a bicycle rolled up on me, noting my gear...tried to explain what I was about..."inktober, and sunsets silhouettes, and such" luck...distracted with what gear I should have, what exposure settings I need...'the sun can be a blob, it's the silhouette, inkish..." protest, to no avail...this while waiting for someone to show up in the 'spotlight'...and, low and behold, a kid photog with his pop appeared below, trying to do the self same thing I was doing!...go figure...I dont know if he got that 'red Aliso, there were photogs with top of the line underwater cameras, surfing photogs I imagine, just out in the surf taking wave curl pics and probably surfers about...waves are an endless study!...anyway, sunset pics problematic because the sun is so much brighter than the foreground...problem in the Valley all the time..."i22" my mentor advised...I had the the camera, the point and shoot, on Auto-green, sorta...what I can do in that mode, is hold the shutter down while focused on different places, and it will adjust to that places best exposure...I wait until the sun is on the horizon, muted, to avoid doing that...but sometimes I can expose for the sun, holding the shutter, then in editing, brighten the foreground...and I retrieve a 'silhouette"...this for the blog in the Valley, often meant I had a pic of Owl otherwise lost...photographing birds is like best test of photo know how!...the Vietnamese fellow on Facebook is zeroed in on the raptors at Bolsa Chica and thereabout...some of his pics are shadow cornered...must be using a digiscope...but other clips, pics, long lens it looks to be...hmmph...snacked at the Fun dog, fries, soda, at the red bench, which has appeared next to the blue bench!...politics everywhere...that pic is another camera problem...the lens distortion...a 50x point and shoot lens is kinda useless for scenes like that...but, it's the Fun Zone looking funny, and mid-Octoberish evening on a Wednesday!...oh, thought on the out was to do a beach sand hummock for Inktober prompt Dune...when one parks at Balboa, that's sorta what one sees, the pushed up berm, dune, there to keep back high tides, and seagulls atop it-just the tops of umbrellas, canopies, people, out on the sloping beach...Aliso is a shore break too, much the same, but without the piled up berm sand...Balboa will have to do like the Dutch...waves are like hummocks...the surface dimpled by the wind rather than the beaches' footsteps...last three pics, the self same photo shoot group from yesterday!, go from exposing for the sun, to bringing out the foreground in edit-brightness...



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