Saturday, October 24, 2020

Windy:OTI::pics, notes:::10/24/20

Open To Interpretation

#inktober twenty four


Huntington State Beach, Jetties, 

Wind Blown Out Surf

Notes: out and back to Huntington State Beach, Jetties...still a Saturday day gathering though overcast and cold...must say I envy the group gatherings around the fire rings...anyway, a carry over from yesterday's notes: reflections and shadows...Gurney does a bit on reflections, see: google search Gurney shadows reflections...he has a blogger blog too!

and though it began, it seems, same as mine about, 2007, it is enormously bigger!...he hasn't missed a day, nor are there any weak, 'just did it to keep the string going', posts...apparently he never naps, sleeps, just goof off and daydream, as he is a professional illustrator in his day job, and an exceptional one...this is not unusual for professional artists...they are like souls obsessed!...and he stays within the the tradition of other illustrators...nothing fringe...or some such...anyway, the Skidkids at Aliso pic has their shadows, and their the Sun would come back out, I could clarify this in an eye would think the Shorebird, I should know name, would be casting a sunset shadow, as in the foreground footprints, but no, shadows over clear water disappear....and reflections are straight down-180s...some in my pics distorted because of the lens...inktober prompt "Dig"...sat and waited for a sand crab digger to come by, and one obliged...then left off before Sun reached horizon, as I couldn't see the horizon, though Catalina plain enough to was chilly and windy...listened to Dodgers...oh...brb...oh!...they're still playing...middle of eighth...Dodgers 7-6...roll out for a snack and listen...bbk with report...bk...Rays 8-7...go figure...



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