Sunday, September 6, 2020

Divers':OTI::pics, notes:::9/6/20

 Open To Interpretation

Divers' Cove, Laguna Beach


Notes: Angels 9-5...Angels swept four games from the Astros!...and I slept thru the game, and the afternoon out and back before dawn to Divers' Cove...stopped on way back for snack at the Shake Shack...

parked off Cliff Drive right by the Octopus...there's a walkway along the bluff...paddled over to the Palms in the distance, and from there a view of Main Beach...brb...

Lifeguard Tower, where I was yesterday, to left of white hotel...Heisler Park along Cliff Drive...very popular with the plein air folk...views from the bluff, or walk down to the cove beaches...



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