Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Open To Interpretation 

Aliso Beach, Scott, and Finn (his white poodle)


Notes: rolled out in the midday heat...thought had been to see sunset at Main Beach, Laguna Beach...but an idea came along in the a panorama of Aliso Beach...pictured it on the out!...the South Bluff with the Palace at one end...the North with the Rock House and Bridge at the other...inbetween everything included from Lost Pier Snack Stand to the Palm Grove entrance...thought to make a long pencil/ink/inkwash sketch on the Blick big paper...and, and first grabbed the camera to take reference photos from one end to the other...Scott was under his umbrella with his pooch, Finn, and I ran the whole idea by him..."cool"...I thought so too!...took the pics, and thought to get a snack, and sat down on the low wall by Lost Pier, heat exhausted..."David, is that you?"...I turned to look, and it was Lorraine, one of the group of plein air painters four days back...she was with a friend, and we chatted...explained my Aliso Panorama notion..."cool!"...I think so too!...anyway, they were finished up painting for the day...I asked for their autographs, and they kindly obliged...passed along my phone and name too...I need to get better cards...ones I have just have email, which is, soh, I went over to the beach...big surf day...big crowd...and I was melting...and just as I got past The Spot, sighted Scott with Finn, both napping under the umbrella...that's it, I thought, I'm done...number thirty, Scott and Finn sleeping under umbrella at Aliso Beach...the last one of the stradaeasel challenge...and just right...a Panorama would have been spectacular, and, and over the top...the little ink drawing just right, and a segue to Inktober, which begins tomorrow...thought is to each day for Inktober, fill up one of the Blick big papers with gesture pencil/ink/inkwash mini-takes of oceanside folk...behind me while drawing, was a gal from Encino(?)...somewhere far inland...I showed her my drawing, "cool", and learned she knew Scott too, and too often comes to Aliso...and asked for her I noted, there's an Aliso Beach community I'm becoming acquainted with!



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