Tuesday, September 1, 2020

OTI: one poem, notes::9/1/20

Open To Interpretation

Aliso Beach


I sought palaces where I didn't fee
And disdained humble abodes where I did.
Can someone laugh at catastrophe?
Incorrigible, too I did that bid.

A sage said, once a tale is written,
It's lived, an ending finding begining.
I could never fathom tomorrow's in,
And yesterday an easy out passing.

So I shrugged at so much woe, and who knows,
Retribution awaits a butterfly,
Though winged metamorphosis bestows
Angelic ambitions on wights as I.

Some lute it is makes even camelids
Prance and sing across unended arids.


Notes: It's before sunup, 4:30am, and first morning of Strada Easel...thought was to roll out and be at the ocean before dawn...but, I got to browsing terrible rodeo news, and, and then wrote the poem...it was just a jot down to begin, a snippet not to forget, but I'd been reading my sonnets, Elizabethans, and this one tumbled out, or in!...so, soh, too sleepy to roll...nap a bit...collected all the paint gear I need to do oil plein airs...an expense!...but I've been saving up...so will try to do things in true keeping with the contest, and tradition of plein air...settings to be all in Laguna Beach...I'm a couple things shy...cant find the drawer to my French easel-still usable...and my thinner pot has gone missing...just saw it the other day...stop at Michaels on the way and get another...report this evening!...bk...rolled out about 4pm...got back about 9pm, wit a stop for groceries...found I had only time to do the charcoal sketch...had in mind to find a "palace". and found one on the cliff top...Aliso Beach will be like my base of operations...not crowded, and parking affordable...and restrooms near the parking lot...while on the road much a worry of late, all the restaurants and convenience stores at gas stations iffy....before rolling out tomorrow, I'll paint from the sketch...




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