Friday, May 29, 2020

One Poem

Guard Cats

I have guard cats.
Midnight and my street quiet as
Disneyland during the shut down
And at my driveways end
Autumn, the grey and white,
Mostly white,
With the crippled back leg,
Sits Sphinx like.
Near me on the porch steps
Where I'm snacking on chicken strips,
Rufio, the lanky youngin,
Mostly greyblack and white,
Sits erect, Bastet like.
Two more Sphinxes,
Tucker the Elder,
Of the scraggily tail,
Little the Terror
Of the stubby tail,
Atop the hood of Silver, my Jeep.
Chubby Cheeks, white and black,
Out and about patrolling.
And I can't hear
From a few blocks away,
What I can always hear
On an overcast damp night,
The traffic on Harbor Boulevard.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Skip Reading, Close Reading

Skip Reading Close Reading

Skip Reading, I've learned, is actually what scholars do with one anothers academic papers.  No one ever really close reads those things.  Skip Reading can be done if one has some command of the subject.  For example, I imagine when Einstein worked in the patent office, he could just glance at a patent application and know if it was a new thing, and a workable thing. 

I skip read poems by the ton, or did.  In the library, I'd find a step stool to sit on, and just go through book after book, magazine after magazine.  Poets churn out poems by the millions everyday.  And publishers follow suit.  And it's all too much, sadly.  Everyone finds themselves skip reading.  Which fosters skip writers, but that's another thing...

But making a patent application, making an invention, has to work, bear up under close scrutiny, close reading.  One can't worry about it being dismissed at a glance, as not being original, as not being workable.  If one thinks it works, it works, and one proceeds until persuaded otherwise.

Close Reading, I've learned, is a term Students of Philosophy use for a category. reading


Watch "Philosophy 101 - Close Reading - Joel B. Hunter" on YouTube


Actually what I had in mind is a theory of philosophy that the proponents present in such a fashion that is HAS to be close read.  Puzzling by design.  Maybe I made that up. read...and, that search didn't work, and I didn't bookmark, dogear, note, what I just recently read about these philosophers with the presentation of their philosophy requiring close reading!  No matter, I've brought my thoughts along to James Joyce and his obsessive note taking. Joyce/note taking...

And that search didn't turn up what I'd recently read, that he always had at hand note paper, and wrote notes in tiny handwriting he read back with a magnifying glass, as he was near blind.

Glosses, annotations, notes.  I go on and on about captions.  Motifs have captions, the playground of antiquarians, archaeologists.  History presents a set of motifs, and scholars caption them.  Not just scholars, everyone.  And not just History, Nature too.  Puzzling by design!

Anyway, note taking, annotation, captioning, glossing, have their extreme, and I happened on a good example, a web site that hot links just about every word of  James Joyce's Finnegans Wake.  Words highlighted in bold open windows about that word, or passage-a bit like Joyce looking at one his notes with a magnifying glass!

Joyce, I suspect, was a bit off, in a genius way verging on unintlligible madness.  One day, while being an activity assistant for alz patients, a hopeless task, as they have the skills of like one year olds, I presented a blank paper and crayon to a fellow who had once been a lawyer, and he wrote what was like a parody of what was once his craft-notes, notes that made no sense at all, like one of those unique languages sometimes savants make up.  I still have the page somewhere, a souviner.  Oh, I'm no better off, blogged many pages, a gloss on one song lyric...

"I will find a souvenir
Just to say the world was here."

-Nena, 99 Red Balloons

Notes: musings which brought to mind my blog Tree in the Door, precursor to Tree in the Door Fauna and Flora...which I can still post to, been years, so will add this there too, as a nod to a former effort, or some such!

Tree in the Door: Close Reading



Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Eleven Poems, Notes

The Graveyard Zoo

As I was made to,
I make you too
See love with a moral view.

Not a moment true
Have I been to you,
Always I some kind of shrew.

In order, a rebellion to pursue,
A me against I coup
Long overdue.

Can I be split in two?
My ancestory rue,
What I was made to do?

Immorality's stench, "phew"!,
Or immortality's pew:
Brought to review.

Skin painted blue
A snake tattoo
Join a pirate crew.

What I has put us through!
What blustery wind blew
The kite of Winnie the Pooh!

A daily loo
Stuck to like glue
I was on your shoe.

Oh, a ghost can always go boo
And frighten a few
In the graveyard zoo.

To I, I say adieu.

What For

For goodness sake,
The Black Ships shuttered,
The whole damn ocean dried up.
The crews endless playing Dead Man's Poker
With black decks on the Black Decks.
Some humour in this somewhere?
Show me what for,  before she does.


Behind the black glass doors
An above ground tomb it is,
A mausaleum,
Where you and your siblings
Ghostly dance,
Where I bring you flowers
Of the singlular species you prefer-
The whole bouquet for you-
How you keep or distribute,
Your affairs.
Life is simple in the afterlife.
Nightly, from the living I come,
A wanton for ghosts!
And daybroken to the living I must return
Where my wits run out
And I'm halloweenish!

Poem Written While I'm Still In One Piece

I'm still in one piece.


Post Card

maybe, maybe you can find
an open souvenir stand,
or two, or three,
and find modern replica four
corner hats
the pre-columbian Peruvians wore,
maybe tocapu tunics too...
wishing I was there in Cuzco
and traveling the four corners of the Earth!

Regards to Mr. Potato Head


It's an unfortunate condition
Aquired in misbegotten fashion...
Stay sober, my friends...


Oh, what goes with being Bear
Is Bears homes:
Polar Bears ice,
Koala Bears eucalyptus,
Panda Bears bamboo.


Sunrise and the birds happily
Singing singing singing.

Wait And See

I met up with them at midnight
And they doubted my tale of sunrise
Having never seen the like
Being stalled at midnight.
I gave their second hand a push start
And said, "Now, wait and see."

Have An Answer

...anymore than I would expect
my own reflection in a mirror
to have  an answer...
what was the question you asked me?

C is for Christian

Oh, along the curving road
Through Sprintime green Sierra foothills,
Near Hornitos I'd say,
With my camera I paused
For the roadside flowers,
And Cow sauntered up
To the barbed wire fence
To look me over with those big brown eyes,
As Cows often do-
Bulls snort and stomp their feet-
And I thought to Cow,
As I often do,
I'm no Hindu,
And we are both on the menu:
Small c is for cow,
And small c is for christian,
Fate's even mission.


Notes: things are getting crazier and crazier, and my comments to youtube comments in the I thought to get out of the youtube for me!...or googling for that matter, except to work on The Graveyard Zoo...I was back and forth to Rhyme Zone a lot!...thought to make stanzas using all the 'u' rhymes, then noted the polysylable ones, and realized I was overboard...I'm always overboard!

