Thursday, July 30, 2020


Open To Interpretation
Notes:  Game on...on the radio...Mariners at Angels...hmmph...first thing I hear, three run homer by the Mariners...pitching pitching of first...relief couldn't hang on last night...a carry over...a carry over from last season! a two out double...the take on the Triglyphs is they represent wooden beams, the ends...idea is the Greeks reproduced the look of their wooden temples in, I just read a take that says the Greeks took the "look" from Egyptian stone temples which in turn took their "look" from temples built with papyrus...back then, papyrus grew thicker, and bundled together made a fine building material...this too in my old posts that went on about reed houses and reed boats, in Egypt, Iraq...Lake Titicaca, Bolivia/Peru...I'd found a Greek wooden temple modeled in stone...a coffin/sarcaphogus...I want to get to the Egyptian Pectorals, and, here I go off on a divert from that...too...see if I can find the wooden temples...brb...two down Rendon up...Mariners 3-0...
Every structural element of the Greek Temple form has precedent in ...
2. For if it is necessary that the triglyphs should be placed over the middle quadrants of the columns, and that the metopes which are constructed between the triglyphs should be as broad as they are high. On the other hand, the triglyphs aganst the corner columns are placed at their furthest edge, and not against the middle of the columns. Thus the metopes which are next to the corner triglyphs do not come out square but oblong by half the breath of a triglyph. But those who wish to make metopes equal contract the extreme intercolumniations by half the breadth of a triglyph. Whether the work proceeds by lengthening the metopes or contracting the intercolumniations, it is faulty. Hence the ancients, as it seems, avoided the Doric order in temples.
... ... ...
The Doric order is the most typical building order of the Greek mainland. It has direct references to the original wooden construction of the archaic temples. Claude Perrault, in his French translation and commentary of 1684, points already to this fact when he explains the origin of the guttae.
We may accept that the in the oldest temples the columns were of wood. To form the transition between the column and the entablature a simple cushionlike element was inserted. This became the Doric capital.
well, right away I'm told to sit down and think...and get a snack...brb...oh...the radio broadcast has canned crowd Oakland, they had painted wood bottom of top of fourth...I gather the roof was flat, beams laid side by side...trying to picture the Mission ceilings! San Juan Capistrano's!...
Mission San Juan Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, California -...
I dunno...that looks the way to do things...notion of how the Greeks did it, was laid beams across the architrave?...the supporting side lintels? beam square, the meitope...the next one rectangular, the triglyph...the triglyph getting its name from the three decorative "flutes"...this fluting carried over into the fluting on the column?...that was the papyrus contention...the flutes derived from the bundled papyrus...the triglyph too...
"Often of extraordinary slenderness, sometimes as much as fifteen diameters high, they bear witness to their wooden ancestry; nevertheless their fluting and their tall graceful bases are expressive of stone and stone alone. It is more than possible that the fluting and the high bases were both borrowed from the early Greek work of Asia Minor, with which the Persians came into contact very near the beginning of the expansion of their empire....Some authorities find Greek influence in the scrolls and bell portion of this capital, but the crosspiece with its carved animals is essentially Persian and merely a decorative expression of the old wooden crotched posts so frequently used in the early simple houses." — Professor Talbot Hamlin, FAIA
the Persian flutes very narrow...and I see in them "reeds" "papyrus" top of fifth...
 The origin and development of the Ionic Order of architecture, along with the Ionian people, is a very different story from that of its Doric cousin on the Greek mainland. William B. Dinsmoor writes:
We have traced the story of the foundation of the Ionian colonies by the fleeing remnants of the Mycenaean populations [36ff], of their early contacts with the native peoples of Phrygia, Mysia, Lydia, and Lycia, and of the colonies which they in turn, as they increased in power, sent off to other parts of the Greek world. The result of this dispersion is that our knowledge of the Ionic style has to be gathered, not only from the great cities of Asia Minor, but also from the trading colonies such as Naucratis in Egypt, and from outposts established to receive surplus populations, such as Rhegium (Reggio) in southern Italy and Masilia (Marseilles) in France.1
... ... ...

An examination of the architectural remains of the Archaic Greeks in Egypt may reveal features or stylistic elements suggestive of an Egyptian influence on their design. During the reign of Amasis, Herodotus tells us that the Greek settlers of Naukratis constructed numerous temples to their own gods and goddesses. He writes:

[Amasis] made grants of land upon which Greek traders, who did not want to live permanently in Egypt, might erect altars and temples. Of these latter the best known and most used--and also the largest--is the Hellenium; it was built by the joint efforts of the Ionians of Chios, Teos, Phocaea, and Clazomenae, of the Dorians of Rhodes, Cnidos, Halicarnassus, and Phaselis, and of the Aeolians of Mytilene. ... the Aeginetans, however, did build a temple of Zeus separately, the Samians one in honor of Hera, and the Milesians another in honor of Apollo.
From the scanty remains at Naukratis and Sais, the two most significant cities to the Saite Dynasty and the Archaic Greek presence in the Delta region, minor evidence suggests an Egyptian influence on the development of Archaic Ionic architecture. An examination of specific Egyptian architectural feats visible and accessible to the Archaic Greeks and a close look at general Egyptian architectural traditions may provide further evidence suggesting an Egyptian influence on Greek architecture, if not the colossal Archaic Ionic temple, itself.
One monument of Ancient Egypt that may have had significant impact on the development of the stylistic and formal elements of Greek architecture has little connection with the Saite Dynasty, but is known to have been a popular attraction for Greek and Roman travelers. The 12th Dynasty mortuary temple of the pyramid complex of Amenemhet III (1855-1808 BCE) at Hawara, the royal necropolis in the southeastern Fayum region came to be known by Classical authors and travelers as the Egyptian Labyrinth, most certainly due to the supposed twisting, maze-like characteristics of its inner chambers. The Egyptian Labyrinth occupies the attention of many Classical authors, who never hesitate to mention the tremendous impact it is said to have had on Greek and Aegean architecture.
... ... ...

Dinsmoor directly compares the Rhoikos temple to the Egyptian Labyrinth, designating the latter as exemplary of the Egyptian architectural characteristics, which influenced the design of the Rhoikos temple. The key architectural characteristic that influenced the Rhoikos temple, according to Dinsmoor, is the "columned halls," or the colonnaded courts and hypostyle halls found in nearly every traditional Egyptian temple. On account of the great columned halls of Egyptian temples such as the Labyrinth, and on account of the vast expanse of densely gathered columns in the peristyle and cella of the Rhoikos temple, these structures were considered labyrinthine. When discussing the Samian Labyrinth, Pliny further supports the significance of the columns and discusses no other features that may have been cause for its labyrinthine quality.

One must wonder then what it is about a vast expanse of columns that makes a structure seem labyrinthine, or maze-like.

... ... ...

The Egyptian and colossal Ionic temples exhibit further similarity in the conceptual continuity between the structure and the landscape. As expressed above, the dense collection of numerous columns in the Ionic temple peristyle and cella building produce a sort of "forest of columns" effect.  

... ... ...



Ohtani flys out to the warning track...followed by another fly out...Ward gets to first on error...Home Run for Statsi!...his second this season...only one all last season....Mariners 3-2...these precincts with many columns is a "thing", something...Persepolis/Teotihuacan...for sometime...




Ceilings in temples and tombs were frequently supported with columns in the form of papyrus plants, turning their architectural settings into models of this primeval marsh.   Papyrus thickets were seen as liminal zones at the edges of the ordered cosmos, symbols of the untamed chaos that surrounded and perpetually threatened the Egyptian world. Teeming with wild birds and fish as well as dangerous animals such as hippopotamis

and crocodiles, all seen as incarnations of Egypt’s enemies, these were the setting for ritual hunts. The single-handed defeat of these chaotic creatures by a king or noble, often depicted on the walls of temples and elite tombs, was emblematic of the maintenance of the ordered cosmos against the forces of entropy. Papyrus thickets were seen as liminal zones at the edges of the ordered cosmos, symbols of the untamed chaos that surrounded and perpetually threatened the Egyptian world. Teeming with wild birds and fish as well as dangerous animals such as hippopotami and crocodiles, all seen as incarnations of Egypt’s enemies, these were the setting for ritual hunts. The single-handed defeat of these chaotic creatures by a king or noble, often depicted on the walls of temples and elite tombs, was emblematic of the maintenance of the ordered cosmos against the forces of entropy.

... ... ...

In one of the great mythic cycles central to Egyptian religion, the goddess Isis took her infant son Horus to the papyrus thickets of the north to conceal him from her brother Seth, who had murdered her husband Osiris and usurped his throne. Horus grew to manhood here, hidden among the swaying reeds whose rustling sounds soothed him and masked his cries, until he emerged to defeat his wicked uncle and reclaim his patrimony.

 Horus was protected and nursed while a baby by the goddess Hathor, who was worshipped in the ritual of the Shaking of the Papyrus. In its ideal form, this was performed in the marshes by a celebrant who shook actual stalks of papyrus; Hathor’s primary cult instruments, the sistrum ad menat were rattled to produce a comparable rustling sound and evoke this mythical environment.


that's so spot on...that the sistrum, it's sound, would evoke the myth of Horus...that's what all these old motifs, things, ARE, evocations...mnemonic devices that evoked stories held in the oral tradition...the oral traditions being gone, the motifs meaning lost too!...that bit about the "hunt"...that's the Great Hunt...on abouts in old posts...and the temple grounds, the labyrinth, the marsh, the forest, where the hunt takes place...St. Peters has a labyrinth?...brb...Chartres Cathedral has famous one...there's lots...Theseus hunts the Minotaur in King Minos labyrinth...the myth has it he was being, he hunts...he's Horus...a reach! bottom of seventh...I'm out of shape...I get tired searching, reading!...and, where am I?...I cant find yet the site that says the Greek column fluting is derived from Egyptian papyrus...those long quotes above nudge up against that...and it was those quotes I found searching Amisis and his Naos, which took me to Crocodilopois and the, soh, today's diversion took me back to the Amasis Naos!...tomorrowmorrow the Pectorals...Ohtani up...runner on first, no one out...and so, back on track...sorta...ground out F/ need editing...copy/paste from Met made a mess...Ohtani stole a base, to third on Pujols K. and next baterrer made top of eighth...bbk with final score...more of ninth...pitching pitching pitching...Mariners added 4...Mariners 6-2...oh...I found the papryus columns site...☺...


The Possible Egyptian Origin of Fluted Doric Columns — Rook Andalus

This evening I happened upon a 1936 article published in the journal Nature titled, Origin of Fluted Doric Columns. In it, the authors suggest the fluted columns of Greek architecture were inspired from plant stems. At the time the article was written, evidence was lacking to support this theory; there were no known examples of woody plants with constantly fluted stems native to Greece. Fennel, cumin, and caraway were all suggested as possible inspirations, but the paper’s conclusion admittedly lacked much evidential support. Indeed, I should state here, that my hypothesis that I’m about to present here also lacks evidential support.

With that said, I wonder if perhaps the plant Doric columns might have been modeled after could have been the papyrus growing along the banks of the Nile in Egypt. In ancient times, papyrus grew wild along the Nile, with stalks up to 6 inches (~15 cm) in diameter. These weren’t the emaciated papyrus plants we see growing in the gardens at the Getty Villa in California, or on sale at select Home Depot garden centers across the United States. These were large, meaty sedge; each containing enough material to produce a scroll or two of papyrus paper I'd imagine.


such is the imagination...Mariners 8-2...Trout on maternity bottom of ninth...Goodwin with double...pasta on the stove...snack time...and, Ohtani hits a three run homerun...Pujos up...pop out...two down...bundled spaghetti...Ward up...ground out, 4-3...Mariners 8-5...







Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Open To Interpretation
Notes: Game on...on the radio...Mariners at Angels...line up cards being exchanged...I tried some searches since last post...Inca glyph, Moche glyph, Aztec glyph, then added Inca Temple Glyph, and such...then went over to the Old World and tried Egyptian Glyph, Minoan Glyph, and again added Temple...trying to fill out Step Fret Temple Glyph...thought being another ancient culture would combine the Kiosk Platform Steps into glyph for luck...but!...happened on the Naos of recall from yesterday, the steps, kiosk, and platform...
from wiki
Narmer Mace
advertisement began?...wait and listen...tale of Fletcher running races with Trout and Ohtani in pregame warmup...he lost both...Fletch up...the Naos of Amasis...5-3 ground out..Trout up...batting order: Fletch, Trout, Rendon, Ohtani, Upton, Pujols?...this Naos a curio and a diversion!...years ago, in my offset printing class, we were assigned to make a booklet, or a stationary suite...choosing booklet, then I had to choose subject, and, and choice was between the Panay Incident, and my painting class I'd been rendering small portraits, the mummy portraits from the Fayum...Crocodilopolis....Trout made out, Rendon W...Ohtani up...line out to top of second...I chose the Panay...and have suffered much, so to speak...traveled much, better...but I always wondered where Cocodilopolis would have taken me...welp...pursuing the StepFretTriangle has got me out in the desert, right there...such are labyrinthian travels!...anyway, the Naos of Amasis is a marvel, but first what the search found...

Naos (Greek ναός "temple, shrine") the descriptive name given to an Egyptian hieroglyph (Gardiner O18).

King Den label, Old Kingdom.
The pavilion hieroglyph is a side view of the pharaoh seated, in opposing views, wearing the two separate crowns, the crown of the South, the white crown, and the crown of the North (the Delta), the red crown. The pavilion is composed of two side views of the naos hieroglyph.
Naos (hieroglyph) - Wikipedia
from wiki
Naos Heiroglyph
Pavilion, another word for Kiosk...the Amasis Naos had a double of third, no score...
As the point of contact between heaven (where the gods live) and earth (where humans live), a temple represented a horizon. The most sensitive area on the temple was the sanctuary with the naos that harbored the statue of the god worshiped there. This room was particularly well protected, and tabernacle was closed by a double door that Egyptians called the “gates of heaven.” It represented a passageway between the earthly world and the divine one.
The doors are decorated with a bas-relief depicting the high point of the temple ritual: the king Amasis kneels on a platform, wearing the khepresh crown, beneath the protective solar disk. He presented the seated god with a figurine of Maat, the goddess who incarnates order in the world. The falcon-headed god, wearing a solar disk capped by two tall feathers, is Sopdu. Associated with the East, Sopdu protected the eastern delta and watched over expeditions to the mines in the Sinai. In his hands he holds the was scepter, a sign of power, and the ankh symbol of life, two boons that he confers on the king in exchange for the offering. The rite takes place under a star-studded sky and a winged solar disk. Below, the decorative pattern evokes the façade of the archaic royal palace. Brief hieroglyphic captions identify the figures of Amasis and Sopdu. This panel is one of the earliest examples of a wooden chapel inlaid with glass.
Door to the naos of Amasis
"Below, the decorative pattern evokes the façade of the archaic royal palace."
That deocorative pattern is something!...all over Egyptian iconography is a running border, yes, much like the Greek Key running border is all over Greek paintings...I may have this misconstrued, but the border represents the palace façade...its wall...Angels up...bottom of third...and, it represents the door way to the Naos...just saw one with this distinctive...brb...
Luxor News - Jane Akshar: May 2010
But the big find is a false door of UserAmun, someone who we have few relics of.
what I'm trying to imagine is that doorway, stylized as it is the Naos wooden doors-the bottom motifs-turned sideways and making the palace façade running border...Trout on error...bottom of 4th...Mariners 1-0...a reach...lemesse if I can nail down Egyptian Palace Border Hieroglyph...or some such...brb...Rendon W...Ohtani up...pause to listen!...Home Run!!!...Angels 3-1...
Ceiling painting from the palace of
from wiki Egyptian Art
oh, I cant find the border like I can see it going around the wooden doors of the Naos above...Mariners with runner at third...nope...challenge called out...perpendicularly, it looks just like the row of doors at bottom...they're just turned sideways horizontally...and the meaning is stacked...doorway/wall, soh, Amasis was contemporary with the Minoan Diaspora, caused perhaps by the eruption of the Therea...that ceiling, from a Nile delta tomb, is a Minoan design...and before, I visited the Minoan frescos in the Egyptian Nile town...that border from the Naos is, I think, part of what is called Ionic Greek architecture...need to check...brb...Goodwin with a homerun...Angels 4-1...bottom of fifth?...Fletch out...oh, wiki just goes on about the columns...I see something similar to the Egyptian borders on the Greek temples, even our temples, like the Supreme Court...
Mariners two runners on, two out...Angels 4-2...Heany pitch in for Angels...I need an architecture vocabulary!...triglyphs and and metopes...brb...
Angels 4-3...
Illustrations of various examples of ancient Egyptian cornices, all of them having
lol...cavetto is the curvy part...but here in a modern building are the Naos doors!...

from wiki cavetto
Mariners wapped a three run dinger...Mariners bottom of 6th...oh, an atavisim? Egyptian "revival?"
Ohtani up...oh, I diverted from the diversion!...tomorrow, the labyrinth and Crocodilopolis!...time to feed Maya, my dog, and a snack for me...bbk with game final score...Mariners 10-3....triglphs...that's it!...the decorative frieze went from Egypt to Greece...Doric style has the triglphs...and, there all over Egyptian pectorals, which are miniature temples/shrines/pavalions/naos/kiosks....that, tomorrowmorrow...

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Step Fret is Glyph for Temple:OTI::notes:::7/28/20

Notes: Game on...on the radio...Mariners at of first...home opener...two down, runner on first...blogger has changed its out, to bottom of 2nd...and I cant find "new page"...Fletch up...W...gonna move from Tablet over to old Toshiba and Windows 7...that should be fun...Trout line drive out, dbl play...fump...brb...hmmmph...had to reset password...Angels made out in bottom of second...Ohtani grounded, far, I much prefer Blogger's old editor!...but I'm on the wing with it, and need to see a tutorial...anyway, lemmesse if I can get the pic I've been waiting all this time on opening day to post...brb...oh...old computer so slow..there's a new operating system on a memory stick...UNIX?...for 40 dollars, supposed to be a fix...brb...waiting on "file new"'s a key stroke I've forgotten...been so long...control n...
from Mexiclore

oh!...wait...looking for the pic I want, which is in a Zapotec codex, and happened on this above, which take me back to the beginning: thinking how remarkable that Aztec shield has the steps, the curl, and the triangle, and the StepFretTriangle I keep going on about from Peru/Andes...and it just came to me, the steps are "steps"!...and the curl is a stylized temple!...Ward knocks in LaStella...Angels 1-0!....the step fret is a stylized temple platform with steps leading up to it!....???...Fletch the Terrific waps a one out hit...Trout up...K...Rendon up...missed Ohtani?....
Human beings have used visuals for so many things: to communicate ideas and stories; to represent space, time, and the cosmos; to extrapolate and compare sets of data; to show connections and disparities; to teach complex concepts or succinctly display information. Visualizations—maps, diagrams, graphs—make arguments for how we should understand the world, and thereby teach us how to understand, organize, and make sense of complicated reality. These simplified versions of the world allow us to see things that are usually unseen: the borders between political jurisdictions, the hierarchy of an organization, or the relationship between the mortal plane and the afterlife.
bases loaded...Ohtani got, I need a pic of the codex motif for temples/villages....that quote above for sometime...Upton infield hit...Angels, Ohtani up...count 1-0...1-1...he's 1-10 on the season...1-2...pop top of 4th...

Two representations of single-temple pyramids from the Codex Borgia (plates 14 and 18)
Two representations of single-temple pyramids from the Codex Borgia (plates 14 and 18) (Click on image to enlarge)
Section 3. Ceremonies, Sacrifice – Visual Program of the First ...
Mariners with a home run...Angels bottom of the editor has my text in the middle...format messed with by the copy paste...but there it is...the step fret is a glyph for temple!...Pujols with a lead off hit...LaStella up...line up is all scrambled!...think LaStella bats ninth...and the "temple" is the "kiosk" atavistic throwback to when the tribal leader sat on his raised platform with a tree limb canopy...there, I got to use my new word!...atavistic!...generally, that's how all motifs are, they hark back to some early version, more often than not, forgotten...the Space Force new emblem is a chevron, pointy end up...and the successor to the Apollo program, Artemis, Apollo's sister, has a chevron with the pointy end up...representing space travel/space atavistic recall of the arrowhead...Stasi with a three run home run!...Stasi new player to me...Ward flies out...Angels 5-1...Fletcher up...LaStella batting like seventh...another hit for Fletch!...
and there, there's that!...back last season I went on about the "kiosk", soh, let me see if I can find that pic I started looking for!...
Calli (house).svg
The Aztec day sign calli (house).
from wiki
Mariner with of fifth...and, and that's the pic I happened on that made my eyebrows raise...not so much the step fret triangle on the top left...but the one on the top right too!...these motifs to the Mesoamericans were like the Tocapus to the Andeans...the one on the right was picked up and popularized...I thought it made up...but here it is in the old codex...along with the StepFretTriangle...and, and I have to collect myself...I'm all over with this, and it will take awhile, game posts to come, to sort!...but, there's where the old motif is in the old codex...and it has a label by the artist!...for tomorrowmorrow...I need to feed Maya my dog...and listen to the rest of the game! bottom of fifth...Angels down...Ohtani up...line out...Angels win, like 10-3...put a halo over this one...

Monday, July 27, 2020


Open To Interpretation


Game on...on the radio!...Trout just struck out, Fletcher on first...oh...Ohtani pops out...end of bottom of third...Angels at started without me...I knew start date, but forgot...memory jogged hearing report of Ohtani's travail on the mound yesterday...gave up four runs, like three walks, and no strikes!, unless you count the three hits, all grounders...they could just as easily been outs!...Fletch went four for four...some scoring has happened?...wait and,soh, I'm flat footed to do an ancient mystery post...not prepped to do the one I wanted to on opening day...'tis 56 games to go...oh, I did post ancient mystery stuff was kind of in sync...this bit continues those youtube comment posts...great to hear a game again...the players' names...Oakland stands empty?...saw the painted wood fans behind home plate...on radio sounds like a few...Yankees and Phillies just cancelled, "postponed" game...oh, ball off the wall...As 2-0...hmmph...brb...


I happened on this word, "atavisim", fact checking"no wheeled carts" in New World...I fact check obsessively-my prompts, everyones'...Mexiclore site has page about the wheel mysterey, and suggests it was an atavism that the Mesoamericans didnt use wheels for transport...walking and carrying was the way for a long time, and they prefered to continue that...that would be a throwback in the Old World...why carry when one can make a wheel barrow?...might be said the Amish are atavistic, prefering horsedrawn carts to a Ford truck...they freely admit it's dumb, kinda, but they prefer baseball now, they want to replace umpires with electronic strike zone detectors...Graves laments something was lost when things were no longer individually hand made, but rolled off assembly lines...Sufis have a word, "baraka"...

reply to e. causey

I'm writing on my tablet memo pad...tough to hop out to web...would snag Mexiclore stuff, and explore explains a lot! top of 4th...and, and that's about it for now...sleepy, up all night, blurry thinking!...oh, and poems I find are a kinda atavistic throwback to Tennyson, and as it happens his favorite place a glacier made valley in the Pyrannes...Upton with a lead off hit, LaStella with double, and Pujols up...go Albert!...oh, Upton dogs it base running on ball down third base line...looper by Castro...bases loaded...and...Simmons back to mound grounder- double play...I think those were all first pitch contacts!...weird inning...brb...

When all is said and done
There's Alfred Lord Tennyson.

oh...As with a home run...As 3-0



Sunday, July 26, 2020

Two Poems

*Bird Dogging*

*To hound or pursue something or someone with a usually malicious intent.*

It's become a kind of trait everyone has, even a kind of pandemic.  Would like to shed it my ownself, not wanted for my day to day disposition!  Mote in one's eye sort of's that go...brb...


3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


and "mote"...brb...

Rhymes   Lyrics and poems   Near rhymes   Synonyms / Related   Phrases   Mentions   Descriptive words   [Definitions]   Homophones   Similar sound   Same consonants 

Definitions of mote:noun:   (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything

and "beam"?...brb...

From Middle English beem, from Old English bēam (“tree, cross, gallows, column, pillar, wood, beam, splint, post, stock, rafter, piece of wood”),

The verb is from Middle English bemen, from Old English bēamian (“to shine, to cast forth rays or beams of light”), from the noun.

My mote be beam'n
My vlog all stream'n
Not a care
Not a ware

Definitions of beam:noun:   long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in constructionnoun:   (nautical) breadth amidshipsnoun:   a column of light (as from a beacon)noun:   a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiationnoun:   a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnastsnoun:   a signal transmitted along a narrow path; guides pilots in darkness or bad weatherverb:   smile radiantly; express joy through one's facial expressionverb:   express with a beaming face or smile

Beam me up
Digital my signal
I'm the Harrier
To break the barrier
The Dog Bird
To cruise the moat,
The radiant saliant
To mote vote note.


My mote be beam'n
My vlog all stream'n
Not a care
Not a ware

Beam me up
Digital my signal
I'm the Harrier
To break the barrier
The Dog Bird
To cruise the moat
The radiant saliant
The mote vote note.

Notes: rhyme zone has quotes as examples, from poems, songs, and had one from a rapper's lyric using mote...I jus go off when a rap rythm is about...😃...oh, I could have made good use of "quote"...


My mote be beam'n
My vlog all stream'n
Not a care
Not a ware

Beam me up
Digital my signal
I'm the Harrier
To break the barrier
The Dog Bird
To cruise the moat
The radiant saliant
The mote vote note.

Quote me
Dote me
By rote
By tote

My wings flutter and float
'till my claws silence a noisy throat

So, a wooly coat my petticoat
Not to be stained with creosote
Not an iota
Not a mote
An asymtote antidote to any anecdote
A stray blonde lock brushed aside from
This presser's two beaming eyes

Watch "See why Fox News cut away from White House briefing" on YouTube

Watch "USA: Clashes erupt at BLM protest for Confederate statue removal in Weatherford" on YouTube


What's a rhyme
But two words that sound as one
And what's a pun
But a word that makes another one
And what's alliteration
But syllable and letters alike as one
And what's onomimopeia
But sounds run together as one
And what's a stanza
If not like the previous one
And what's a title
But a home for all in one


noun:   correspondence in the sounds of two or more lines (especially final sounds)noun:   a piece of poetryverb:   be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable

Example: "Hat and cat rhyme"

noun:   a humorous play on words

Example: "I do it for the pun of it"

verb:   make a play on word

noun:   use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse

:   using words that imitate the sound they denote'd that all start?...I was annoyed watching a vlogger in Portland, then Seattle, infiltrating into the protestors march, and looking for trouble to support his right wing views...he'd gone "karen" in the popular parlance...but I caught myself up short, as I too browse the web, often right wing vlogs, reporting what I happen on, and my bias, my "karen" in my postings...what to do what to do...such tangles make for poems, and I set out paddling about in my "boat"...I use my own rhymes until I run out, then, then I cheat and use Rhyme Zones rhyme dictionary!...that happened about when I made the "quote" stanza...then I wrote more to Harrier, and it morphed into that terrible White House press conferance reference...too much...but I find the new press secretary kinda terrorfying in a Goebbels sort of way, in an Amazing Polly sort of way...up to "quote" I posted comment to Farmer Jones vlog, and, after an hour or so, deleted it...this confederacy of vlogs I've happened on are all of a piece in calling out incidents, many worked into wild "wooly" conspiracy tales...anyway, I fact checked like each word in Harrier...trying to assure multiple meaning melded, or some GOAT, greatest of all time, goat- get your goat, anger you; goat, the butt of a joke or's complicated!...and, and I wrote up One, which I really like...the rest, eh, another day another presser...



Saturday, July 25, 2020



From Poets and Gleeman, Chapter One, The White Goddess-Robert Graves:

European poetic lore is, indeed, ultimately based on magical principles, the rudiments of which formed a close religious secret for centuries but which were at last garbled, discredited and forgotten. Now it is only by rare accidents of spiritual
regression that poets make their lines magically potent in the ancient sense.  Otherwise, the contemporary practice of poem-writing recalls the medi-aevalalchemist's fantastic and foredoomed experiments in transmuting base metal into gold; except that the alchemist did at least recognize pure gold
when he saw and handled it. The truth is that only gold ore can be turned into gold; only poetry into poems. This book is about the rediscovery of the lost rudiments, and about the active principles of poetic magic that govern them.
My argument will be based on a detailed examination of two extra-ordinary Welsh minstrel poems of the thirteenth century, in which the clues to this ancient secret are ingeniously concealed.


This sculpture at CIA headquarters holds one of the world's most famous unsolved mysteries - CNN

Today's News

Astonishing Zapotec Ruins and Carvings Found in Mexico | Ancient Origins

Watch "The Big Mystery Above Tonalá, Mexico" on YouTube


 @e causey  yes...I'm stronger than most my age, 72, maybe due to I take the long ways around, but of late, I've put aside the push lawn mower for a power one...time I spend on study, browsing youtube, which facilitates, makes it problematic to runabout, pushabout...😐

Chac/Tlaloc  Witz Monster

 @Anyextee  Uxmal...thanks for 'puuc'...I see there's lots of sites similar...I was looking too there at the witz monster...I think I had it I could see one of those at the Zapotec'm limited to web, web images, seven league boots!...I keep notes on my tablet memo app, post and comment to find things...found this:

Karl Taube notes that the Witz monster often holds a pair of serpents in the corners of its mouth. Well, Mayan mythology describes serpents as being the vehicles by which celestial bodies, such as the sun and stars, cross the heavens. The shedding of their skin made them a symbol of rebirth and renewal. But in Taube's view, the serpents in the mouth represent breath, making the building a living being (because the Maya believed that stones and mountains were living breathing things).

From search: uxmal witz monster (site called Hammocks and Ruins)

Notes:...those, these, likely too much, and offputting, but in an average day, I cover a lot of, when I post to my blog, I begin with a mystery, present it, then in the notes, try to explain a bit...the mystery here: magic and its encryption...Graves presents the mystery of two thirteenth century poems...the lines like, the story of the CIA sculpture has it three of four messages have been decripted, the fouth still a mystery...the solving of this so popular, there's like crowd source effort, soh, in today's news, Zapotec ruins discovered on 6000 foot mountain top, pic of relief carving "underworld god"...probably Witz monster...and here my early post to this vlog clip comment thread...and too one of my other replies to e. causey...these crowd source comments I consider an effort to decript, much like the puzzling over the CIA a task for the students in Harry Potter! exploration of the realms of magic...I dreamed last night of mowing grass with a push mower...Graves was 65 when he wrote his book, 1948, year I was born...not that that's anything...hard to tell when an anything is something!, soh, I fashioned a vlog comment post with "notes", like the blog posts of late...this a continuation of 7/24...and posted that whole to the youtube vlog comment thread, and now here, notes to that...kindof a dream within a dream...I want to get back to the Rodeo Posts...but been diverted by these ancient things...just watched helicopter footage of street march in Seattle...the battle tactic historians speculate much on how ancient Romans/Greeks fought...such plays out in these protests...Police borrowed tactics from the Protestors how to use bicycles!...the sides trying not to hurt one another, yet...well, it's dodgeball in the gym on a rainy day...



Friday, July 24, 2020


Out Of Body Experience

Watch "The Big Mystery Above Tonalá, Mexico" on YouTube

thanks for bringing me back to these comments...☺...Robert Graves in his preface to his Greek Myths puts down a challenge:


Tlaloc's emblem was a toad, so was that of Argos... ... ...Yet at what epoch was the European and Central American cultures in contact?...Any expert help in solving the problem would be greatly appreciated.

The Greek Myths, Complete Edition, Penguin paperback...


(edit: Argos is ancient Greek City...Graves says its emblem was Toad, some link to Dionysus, its patron? and Mushrooms/Toadstools?)

Graves came to this after taking Magic Mushrooms, after personal visions...everyone came to this back in the sixties, and since...a much popularized pursuit and notion...mysef, being a sober sort, avoided all that, and I mean, "all that" in Graves meaning...😃...but, that challenge, once heard, is hard to put down, much like Graves' books...☺...I'm no expert, but over the years, followed what the academics/NatGeo sorts, were making of things...then along came youtube vlogs, vlad9vt, Charlie Kos, Brien Forester, Mystery History, and such...much fun...and, and I made a comment to Kos clip going on about Inca Polygon Walls...cement my thought..and I started digging my ownself!...shortly thereafter discovered the Inca textile tocapus, and the step fret...the fret I first saw on an Aztec shield, then in Peru, Lord Sipan/Lady Cao...and, oh!, that's "Tlaloc" and "Argos"!!! seems plain some manner of telepathy is involved, but I dunno...if that, then plain too, secrecy involved...Gutenberg invented moveable type, printing press, but the Phaistos Disc suggests such known in principle long before, as does the designs on ancient coins, pottery made from molds...the Mesoamericans had wheeled toys, but no wheeled carts in the New, what's going on?... here and there overlaps, here and there things totally favorite curio of late is the Narmer Mace, Egypt, scene, and the Moche, Peru, sacrifice scene...see Dunbarton Oaks site...a King sits under a canopy on a platform reached by stairs, and is being given offerings...the canopies are identical, what caught my eye, and closer study, much else...just the banded registers a "tell"!...if I wrote a book, I'd begin it with Graves' challenge!


Notes:...the morning began with no particular place to youtube browse, but as sometimes happens, a "1" was beside the envelope icon, and, and it was a reply to my comments to above vlog clip of a year ago!...the reply went over a connect between frequencies, like radio stations, coming in "threes", and world wide ancient motifs with "threeness" about a code among Shamans, Shamans that astral travel, often under influence of hallucinigens...I'd copy paste the reply to make this clearer, but youtube comment edit tools copy protect comments...I can copy my own, like above, while in edit mode, but comments once posted wont highlight/ can still screen shot, or truth, the reply was brief, and as much to the whole thread as my comments, so, soh, one should see the whole context, the clip with all its comments...this true of all these comment blog posts...I dont astral travel as a Shaman might, but, like everyone, I travel about in my dreams...yes...sometimes in outer space...there's one, a repeating one, not repeated recently, but so distinct I wonder and ponder! it, I arrive at a planet that doesnt circle a sun, but is sort of suspended between two opposing far away suns...a dark world too, as it were, the suns so far an only moonlit place...and there events ongoing, like out of movie Star Wars...but, I dunno, I wake from such, my dreams as dim as that world...after a fashion now, telepathy is with us-our cell a figuritive metaphor for what real telepathy might be like, the phones together with the internet are spot on...



Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Don't Look Back

Scientists And Engineers

Last comment, over at Farmer Jones yt vlog, I went on about advocates, and "lawyer"- a synonym word, and "motive" too, as in one's motivation,  all determined by an advocate's client...hmmph..."advocate" nudged "avocation" into my noggin, and Robert Frost's famous quote:

“My goal in life is to unite my avocation with my vocation,
As my two eyes make one in sight.”
― Robert Frost

which I had to look memory, such as it is, just provides snippets, and I have to look things up for context, source...snippets as in idioms?...brb...😃...

noun:   an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up memory a collection of idioms, snatches of melody, a few bars to hum of whole songs I've heard...actually, the whole songs are in my noggin, everything I've ever experienced, complete and whole, and then some, the whole atmosphere of dreams and daydreams-mine, everyones'...the internet a perfect analog to navigate the net are log lines, the snippits, not much more than idioms...example: "idiom" search: frost avocation...brb...yep...his poem Two Tramps In Mudtime appears...a vignette of a fellow chopping wood, and two lumberjacks show up, poke some fun at his amateurishness at handling an ax, and impress they'd like to take over the task for pay, times being hard, hence "Tramps" and "Mudtime"...poems are idiomatic thru and thru, and one hopes a poet knows what they are about, or a poem is just idiotic!...😯, soh, the two tramps, lumberjacks, from a lumbercamp, appear, and, and, poetically, idiomatically, they are what I've come to call "angels"...for Frost, if the poem after real event, which is likely, they may have been angels, leastwise he would note from my note, that they are like the two angels that appeared to Lot, in Genesis, in the Bible- the famous story of Sodom and Gomorah, a "mud time" to be from the poem I went to Lot's story...some more study, and I noted "pillar of salt"...that's an idiom, now, but was it then too!?...captioneers have it Lots wife literally turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying Lot and looking back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah...but maybe back then, "pillar of salt" was a figure of speech, an idiom, and the Bible author wrote/ spoke it to an audience familiar with the phrase...I dunno...a pillar of salt ancient idiom...


"Lot's wife looked back [from behind him], and she thereupon turned into a pillar of salt." In Genesis Rabbah R. Isaac said: "She sinned through salt. On the night that the angels visited Lot, Lot said to his wife, 'Give these guests a bit of salt.' But she replied, '[Besides entertaining guests], is it your wish to introduce into Sodom another vile custom [that of seasoning their food]?' What did she do? She went around among all her neighbors, saying to each one, 'Give me salt. We have guests,' intending thereby to have the townspeople become aware of the presence of guests in her home [and penalize Lot for it]. Hence, she herself became a pillar of salt."

unquote, "pillar of salt" is a hark, it harks back, kinda like a punch line in a odd...Frost's famous quote pertains to his love of poetry, his avocation, and the desire that his vocation have the same enthusiasm-"two eyes see as one"...that's his "punchline"...envoy in poetry terms, I think...brb...

noun:   a brief stanza concluding certain forms of poetry

"hark" a curious word..."listen up"...say that myself often..."hark the herald angels sing" is like "idiom" charged...way beyond beyond me...😮...anyway, my comments have envoys, idioms...bits of this bits of that, puns, jokes, alliusions...this from yesterday: looking about, will I find Kroll dovetails with #unrig?...I hesitate to look, but the twittering ghosts at my yt algo feed bowl are murmuring such...such is Hades

lemme unpack that a bit!...Kroll is said to be a company that hires ex FBI/CIA agents...#unrig is an endeavor headed up by Robert David Steele, who is an ex CIA agent, who vlogs on yt, along with other self similar vloggers, a loose confederacy/syndicate...CIA spys, idiomatically known as "spooks", apparations cloaked in secrecy...ghosts...and, and I've coined "my youtube algorithm feed bowl" algo feed bowl...this my "feed"  of  "recommended for you" vlog clips...we get profiled, what we like to watch, and youtube robot algos present clips they think we'll like...or what they want us to like...I dunno...what is youtube's advocacy? best interests their "client"?...I give the bots that, and the bot's engineers, and move MK notes, Scientists and Engineers are different breeds!...judgement in the wind about youtube Scientists/Science!...😄...where was I?...oh..."twittering ghosts at my yt algo feed bowl"..."such is Hades"...this alludes, harks back, to the Odyssey- Odysseus in Hell/Hades fashions a trench in the Earth, fills it with blood from sacrificed animals, and the dead, incoporeal ghosts now, come to drink...Odysseus has power over who can drink and who can't, who will be heard, who not, by letting a ghost drink...this scene has much...too much..."more" I call such...but, but I've gone on too long for a, soh, an exit:  "Don't look back.", Lot's admonishment to his wife-Hade's council to Orpheus.


Notes: Housatonic today on youtube streamed, and made a distinction between Engineers and Scientists....Engineers down to earth practical, Scientists heads in the clouds dreamers...too, Mark Kulack encouaged viewers to study, closely, both sides of things...I hadn't intended the comment for anywhere in particular, but there as good as anywhere!..."Dont look back", like, "dont look down", a really really old thing...track runners never look back reaching for finish lines, and tip towing on high places one doesnt look down least one lose one's balance...fear is like that, you want to put it out of mind...dont become a "deer in the headlights"..."Dont look back, something may be gaining on you!"-Satchel Page...



Tuesday, July 21, 2020



Watch "07/19/20 Habeas Corpus! Judge’s Family shot! Nexivm denied new trial. Winn Dixie no masks!" on YouTube

Project Pelican jogged my nogg'n...seached my notes...a caution, this is wildwoolly stuff...


Robert David Steele, Iran, George Webb, and the Port of Charleston

On June 13, Robert David Steele meets with George Webb. The day after this meeting on June 14, 2017, George Webb and his associates report a dirty bomb threat (uranium)on a Maersk shipping container which leads to the closure of the Port of Charleston. Within a week of the American port sabotage, Steele is promoting his #UNRIG revolution to Iran in an interview with Tehran Times on June 21, 2017. Iran is an Islamic Republic with nuclear and non-proliferation sanctions instituted by the US. Being an intelligence agent , Steele (CIA) would have known that the Maersk shipping container company ‘halted all Iran operations’ due to nuclear program sanctions. It was a Maersk shipping container that was targeted in the dirty bomb threat.
... ... ...
According to the Perfect Storm: Namazi is a close associate of Trita Parsi, co-founder of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), often referred to as the ‘Iran Lobby’ in the U.S. Key findings on Islamic machinations with American ports can be found on page 8 and 9 of the of the report titled: The Perfect Storm: Project Pelican’s Gulftainer, Russia’s Club-K, KGB’s Primakov, North Korea, and the Architects of the Islamic Bloc and the Iran Nuclear Deal
... ... ...
Another ‘Stone’ who was directly involved in the operation #UNRIG was Roger Stone.
... ... ...


This stuff, and it's a lot of stuff not flattering to GW, wasnt in my thoughts listening to his recent talkabout on Robert Steele's vlog...or his talkabout with Cynthia, which Pete Ross posted copy to yt...Outtrim has it Jason Goodman is "sheep dipped"...a term new to me...he connects to Ukraine flying drones around...and Roger Stone much a curio...Steele a full on spook? short order here I've gone over a lot all stuff found over past year...this is not my gold fish bowl...but the UAE just launched a rocket to Mars!...I'd be happy with America being its own business eco system-self foreign manufacturing, no foreign ownership of ports, or anything...most foreigners could do is sell souvenir trinkets!..oddly, the shut down has brought a lean in that direction...🐡


Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm -

“a memorandum of suspicions and unexplained events.”

noted....edit: I looked all over yesterday trying to find more on the the clip FJ alludes to more, and, and here Whitney Webb has like a lot in short order since Sunday...GW went over Mint Press...and WW's venues are like RT/Sputnik, Russian media, which have like a stable of ex western news, soh, a caution...but now and then I've tried to focus in on Deutch Bank...but bank skyscrapers are like WW2 battleship museums...most I can do is tour and marvel!...this quote a new favorite...


Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm -

“a memorandum of suspicions and unexplained events.”




While this, I'm looking at #unrig...un rig as in unrig a  sailing ship- a Robert Steele notion to overhaul American many advocates, so many causes...John Olaughlin, George Webb's side kick, is a lawyer, synonym for advocate, and his "client" is the same with Farmer Jones, though he bristles at being thought GW's sidekick!...😃...can one see where I am going with this?...FOX news is an advocate for Trump...MSNBC an advocate for Biden...RT is an advocate for Russia...every vlog I see owns and is owned- some advocacy or another...from the evidence, the day to day events, the advocates further their clients interests...this to be expected, this how things work, and in court, equal time for back and forth...but when the courts, the venues themselves, are biased, well, the likes of Whitney's Webb story wont be heard, it wont be syndicated...syndicated a word of the day to ponder I just found...this is all good fun, and entertaining, until an advocate, literally a lawyer, shoots up a Judge's family...and his advocacy, Webb has it, is Kroll...motive a better word...I never heard of Kroll, or in my reading, didnt notice...noted now! looking about, will I find Kroll dovetails with #unrig?...I hesitate to look, but the twittering ghosts at my yt algo feed bowl are murmering such...such is Hades...😮

Reply PYRO200055412

Notes:...I was up all night, well, if reading can be called awake, so slept long into the day, and stirred to browse where I left off...Farmer Jones had subject tagged the Judge's family shooting in NY, but didn't say much...looking about, I couldn't find much, so checked back at FJ for update, and in comments noted Operation Pelican...and fetched from my notes old comment...that link had a cast new to me then, but since, I've happened on all of them in one context or another...more vlogs, more Black Ships...well, not Black Ships...more like Privateers with, what were those called...brb...


A privateer is a private person or ship that engages in maritime warfare under a commission of war.[1] Since robbery under arms was a common aspect of seaborne trade, until the early 19th century all merchant ships carried arms. A sovereign or delegated authority issued commissions, also referred to as a letter of marque, during wartime. The commission empowered the holder to carry on all forms of hostility permissible at sea by the usages of war. This included attacking foreign vessels and taking them as prizes, and taking prize crews as prisoners for exchange. Captured ships were subject to condemnation and sale under prize law, with the proceeds divided by percentage between the privateer's sponsors, shipowners, captains and crew. A percentage share usually went to the issuer of the commission (i.e. the sovereign).


yep, "letters of marque", exactly...Privateers...such go on like sanctioned ships of a soverign nation, but they are outsources, private companies doing government like efforts...hmmmph...Ghost Ships, I'll call them...😃, soh, when I posted the fetched old Pelican comment, a comment appeared about the Judge shooting...go figure...and I replied to that, and a back and forth, concluding there's no ending to these back and forths!...the Judge story may blow up on the web-more reveals forthcoming...a wait and see...



Monday, July 20, 2020

Don't Church Things Up

Don't Church Things Up

Watch "07/19/20 China undermining the US. A silent war? New Moon, Civil liberties Obliterated! Protest!" on YouTube

Amazing Polly noted that world leaders are all singing the same song, referencing virus, right down to the wording of talking points-shades of Sterling TV telecasts...and she terms such, "hostage quotes"...which makes me laugh, as it is so spot on...and here "conformity" among military brass...oh, after a fashion that's to be expected, military is conformity...but there's something weird about leadership all saying the same thing because they are persuaded to, held hostage to...I dunno...just no bottom to the thing it's so prevalent!...😃

Reply: Mary Burgess

Watch "07/19/20 China undermining the US. A silent war? New Moon, Civil liberties Obliterated! Protest!" on YouTube

"Don't church things up!"

I...I started up a comment post...thought being farmers survive winter, so, soh, such events nothing new-baseball has its off season, which I barely survive!...anyway, I left off, just not a good post...but I gathered in 'winter is coming' from GOT, saga Game of comes to mind the Zombies, and that strange skin disease...everything and the kitchen sink in GOT!...anyway, here's the little bit I started...


😀oh, it isnt all that dire...


Watch "How many time to they say Winter is Coming - Game of Thrones" on YouTube


that was this morning...I wile away hours and hours browsing prompts!...and just now, I thought to look again at Rense site to see why the Venezuelan coup stuff isnt in the log line que...omissions are suspect-GW...😊...and, and, boom, there's amazing Polly at the top of Rense's list!...I follow link to her vlog...and, and, I just linked to that meme spread trick above with 'winter...'😮...go figure!...'vaccine' the operative word like 'winter' leaders one after another repeating 'vaccine'...maybe we all do need to be innoculated against something, like them!...and they are just as clumsy in their world coup efforts as that Venezuelan crew...oh, I have to leave off to do errands, get a snack, bath..



The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket


Oh, and this...much fun...


Watch "Failed Venezuela Raid Breakdown with Angry Vet" on YouTube



Watch "07/19/20 China undermining the US. A silent war? New Moon, Civil liberties Obliterated! Protest!" on YouTube

"Hostage Quotes"

Archaeologist's assistants use those screen box things to sift for artifacts, usually pottery shards...those gathered up are taken to other assistants who try to piece things together...that being done, the Archaeolgist steps in, and regales everyone with some discovery or another, usually a put together pot, and is grand and all...😃...I have no idea why that musing came to mind...anyway, below in comments a request for Amazing Polly's famous mafia clip...fetched that...and have it side by side with link to "wallets", a link dropped day back at Paul Cottrel f/ George Webb..yes, yes, what's in your wallet...😯...


Watch "The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket" on YouTube

Hostage Quotes

Watch "What Will Be Required For You To Move in Society 2021 Forward (1013)" on YouTube

Wallets..."deep and strange"


dig deeper



Watch "Seattle security guard who disarmed two rioters speaks out" on YouTube

Feynman, the Physicist, tried to depict what research, truth finding, for a Scientist is like..,a paraphrase:.."it's like standing in the corner of crowded public swimming pool, and trying to depict all that's going on in the pool by just examing the waves sloshing up in that corner"...the 15 seconds of video of taking the AR-15 is like that corner...I could go on and on with my exrtapolations, speculations, like, did police, do police, anticipate being seperated, from their vehicles, from one another?...burning police cars early on in Los Angeles, Minneapolis, like these two in Portland...I dunno...with foresight, a loaded pistol was taken along by the Marine hired to guard the documentary film crew...who found themselves surrounded, out of reach of law enforcement blocks away...right away, this is all sideways...and I just dont have enough data...but being prepped for a riot/protest is a curio-both sides...the black congressman who just passed, said back in the day, he prepped with a backpack filled with apples, oranges, water, and a toothbush and toothpaste-that last bit a tell of his savvy!...😃...the protestors are now referered to as rioters, some of their number "wilding", so a few can characterize the many...which is the heart of their indictment of the police, that a few are "wilding", discarding, Federal Troops have moved into Portland, and the shout is up the whole lot of them is wilding, rioting in their riot gear as it, soh, a Navy vet, not unlike the Marine, preps himself much like the congressman, and goes to the rodeo to question the Troopes first hand...I almost did this myself last Sunday!...every Sunday the young people gather and make a short march, and the police cordon Town's facilities, and I got stuck in traffic behind the march, right upside the police line as it were...and I though to get out and ask the two officers with rubber bullet rifles, wot are you guys thinking! around me were anxious to u-turn, and I joined them...anyway, the Navy vet did confront the Portland Troopers, and got pepper sprayed and billyclubbed for his trouble...he stood his ground magnificently!...much like the Marine...and he too finds himself catapulted to internet fame...go figure!...😃...hmmmph...this all like a usual thing reffing basketball...


Portland Protests: A Navy Veteran Had a Question for the Feds. They Beat Him in Response.

With his mind made up, Mr. David grabbed a backpack with some essential items — migraine medicine, nicotine gum, his wallet and ID cards — and took a bus downtown, arriving near the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse about 8:15 p.m.



Rock And A Hard Place

Watch "Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)" on YouTube

-22:05  flat earth and moon


Notes: today's browses and comments:  Rock And...::...a few seconds in, an illustration of the Moon over the Earth, flat like a platter...see post up about conspiracies a few days back...go figure...Don't Church...browsing FJ comments, saw request to Amazing Polly clip, which I had commented to weeks ago,, so I fetched that and posted it as reply to request...then thought on it, realized Wallets link went with Polly's ideas, and posted that- Hostage Quotes...Dont Church, dont gussy up your resume, and such, I picked up from Angry Vet/Cops vlog clip...curious to see what they had current, I found the Marine and Navy vet stories from Portland-Wilding...I wish all this was more physically demanding, as I'm getting terribly out of shape...and no sooner than I think to leave off and exercise, than some thought drags me back to the tablet...thinking of making a backyard gym, wifi will reach...get myself out of the house into the sunlight, and my dog Maya's perview...if that seems a motley crew of vloggers above, and in previous posts, just wait until I get the whole armada afloat!

