Saturday, July 30, 2022

OTI:one poem, one pic, notes::7/30/22

 Open To Interpretation

Reality ( a re-post with new notes)

The Falls were a trickle,
The Creek but a nickel,
A few pennies left for mercy.

"Have you wondered
If reality is a purchase?" mused Carroll.

"That awakens a somnolent Savior
Beside the road in rags and poverty?" asked Twain.

"Just so." said Carroll.

A Fall day beneath the Dodona Oak,
The Homeridae seated, considered,
Thought long,
And one by one put their palms to the ground,
Not one knuckled and fisted.
Unanimous they were,
Unified as reality.

"Reality it is then!" said Carroll
And a rabbit with a pocket watch ran by...


Note:  the coins are water...Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Creek, "mercy" the Merced River which runs through Yosemite Valley...the confluence of the Creek with the Merced is my "axis Mundi"...oh. I may never go back...I kinda banished myself for becoming a Yosemite dilettante...sigh..."welp" is the laconic ironic pessimistic slang version of "well"...welp, they slipped and fell...Twain is Mark Twain, Carroll is Lewis Carroll...I've gathered together my favorite "authors in eternity -Blake" and put them under the ancient oracular Dodona Oak Grove...there they chat....much as we have!...aaand, I went a step further and put my favorite authors, artists, and such, aboard my Black Ships, as crews...their adventures told in the Black Deck, and Black Deck Tales-a medley, a megalomaniacal itch will be scratched when I can write, produce, direct, a real life play!...Pinocchio would be so lucky...anyway, there, under the Oaks, are the Homeridae, storytellers of the usual sort, vagabonds, the blind, the crippled, outliers and castoffs...the wanted by the law!-welp, Shakira, we'll miss you...."Savior" should be changed to "vagabond"...too sharp an edge, but then...the "palms to the ground" is one of  Buddha's "gestures"...actually it's his foot he stomps, and defeats the last great demon in the last great battle, or some such...I found Jim Morrison at the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico, photo of him reaching out to touch the stone feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl...he was a bit of a poser...Homeridae come in Pied Piper varieties...


In the mid-19th century, a 16th-century[citation needed] Aztec statue of Xochipilli was unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatépetl near Tlalmanalco. The statue is of a single figure seated upon a temple-like base. Both the statue and the base upon which it sits are covered in carvings of sacred and psychoactive organisms including mushrooms (Psilocybe aztecorum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), Ololiúqui (Turbina corymbosa), sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia), possibly cacahuaxochitl (Quararibea funebris), and one unidentified flower.

"The texts always use the flower in an entirely spiritual sense, and the aim of the religious colleges was to cause the flower of the body to bloom: This flower can be no other than the soul. The association of the flower with the sun is also evident. One of the hieroglyphs for the sun is a four-petalled flower, and the feasts of the ninth month, dedicated to Huitzilopochtliupo, were entirely given over to flower offerings."

- Paul Pettennude, Ph.D.[full citation needed]

The figure himself sits on the base, head tilted up, eyes open, jaw tensed, with his mouth half open and his arms opened to the heavens. The statue is currently housed in the Aztec hall of the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City.[

from wiki

and here some Homeridae for reals:



Wednesday, July 27, 2022


Open To Interpretation

Greek Meander


The French scholar, Roland Fréart, sieur de Chambray, undoubtedly became acquainted with the complex Greek meander during his 1630s sojourn in Rome, during which he studied architecture. Direct familiarity, however, was achieved when he translated Palladio’s Quattro Libri into French, published in 1650. That same year, Fréart published his famous Parallèle de l’Architecture antique et de la moderne in which he illustrated the page of frets shown here. The fret from the Temple of Mars Ultor soffit is seen in the center left. John Evelyn published an English translation of the Parallèle in 1664 from which Fréart’s commentary on the frets is here quoted: I have made a very curious and rare Collection of a certain Ornament which they call Fret, and of which the Antients [sic] made great use. . . . The Ornament consists in a certain interlacing of two Lists or small Fillets, which run always in parallel distances equal to their breadth, with this necessary condition, that at every return and intersection they do always fall into right angles; this is so indispensable that they have no grace without it.[vi],one%20another%20at%20continuous%20intervals.


Notes: "I have made a very curious...collection"...A possible intro to my Step Fret effort!...I leave out "rare", as I imagine such are as common as seashell collections, but damned difficult to drill down into the web to find them!...Angels won one last night, they can win one, now and then, of late...maybe tonight two...bbk...



Saturday, July 16, 2022

Dragon's Eyebrow:OTI:pics,notes::7/16/2022

Open To Interpretation

The Dragon's Eyebrow

Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Borgia

A priest makes an offering to a pair of serpents entwined together (common in some species when mating): Codex Féjérváry-Mayer, folio 27. (Click on image to enlarge)

Notes:  game on...on the radio...Dodgers at Angels...sigh...Angels can't win for losing...Mookie the Menace up...flys bottom of sixth...Dodgers 7-0...back to back hits by Rengifo and Ohtani...Ward flies out...Trout has some kind of injury...brb...back spasm... 

roll out for a snack...bbk with report...

